Chapter 41.

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My arms curl tightly around his waist as my head lies on his chest, drinking in his presence. It's so rare when he's on tour that I never get to see him, what with me being busy as well.

He tenses suddenly but soon relaxes again, his strong arms pulling me further into him so I have no escape; and the thing is, I don't want to escape, I don't want to leave him at all. I just want to lie peacefully in his arms forever. Is that too much to ask for?

I feel one of his now long and untamed curls tickle against my nose over and over again. The repeated gesture so bittersweet, it's been a long time since I felt something like this.

My lazy eyes flutter open to find Gemma lay next to me, her somewhat familiar green eyes staring at me concentratedly whilst her index finger runs soothingly from the middle of my forehead and down to the tip of my nose, over and over again.

I chuckle to myself knowing what has happened, "I thought that was one of Harry's curls." She smiles and my train of thought.

"You're like a love sick puppy." Her index finger stops it's soothing actions and she lies comfortably next to me in bed, all warm and toasty from the plush covers. My smile widens at her comparison.

"How did you get in?"

"Harry gave me a spare key before he left in case of emergencies." Gemma explains holding up the small silver piece of intricately carved metal. My eyes roll involuntarily at her words. Of course Harry gave her a spare key, he also gave one to Hayles and Eleanor just in case something 'happened'. I don't know whether you've noticed but he's rather over protective.

"Right come on, we're going out for lunch. Hayles is downstairs getting you some-"

"Apple juice." My best friend booms as she makes herself known, entering the room with no spring in her step like usual. A small scowl covers her face and she hands me the chilled liquid, having put a pink twirly straw in because she knows how much I love them.

"Thanks. What's wrong with you?" I ask, getting straight to the point.

Gemma answers with a roll of her eyes, "she had a petty argument with Niall this morning."

I leave it at that and decide to ask her about it later. Everyone knows of Niall and Hayley's petty arguments, they fight about nothing and then make up five minutes later - they're absolutely ridiculous. The majority of us have learned to leave them alone until they calm down, then ask what the problem is. I take a sip of my drink and sit up properly in my place, I really should start getting ready.

As both Gemma and Hayles leave I take a moment to absorb my surroundings, glancing to all of the framed memories on the walls; Harry and I laughing, a picture of us on our wedding day, Christmas with Zaz and Commet. I smile at them all fondly, remembering the precious life I've lead so far and the incredible people I've shared it with. In the centre of the wall opposite hang two frames, the most important in this entire room I think - the one on the left is of my ultrasound, the black and white picture contrasting the blazing colours of the others surrounding it but elegantly more important than them all, our baby so small you can barely her, but she'll always be there for us. On the right is my newest addition, my birthday present from Harry - there on the wall hangs a framed document stating the new ownership of a very important piece of land. The tree where we shared our first kiss. I smile warmly at it and remember the swelling feeling of my heart when I'd realised what he'd done, he makes me fall in love with him all over again. After my small moment of reminiscing I decide that I should really get a move on if we're going out for lunch, I don't want to keep Gemma and little-miss-grumpy-pants down there waiting.

Considering the state I was in when I woke up, it hasn't really taken me that long to get ready; a quick shower, casual outfit and light make-up have made everything just that little but easier. I fill Comet and Zazu's bowls up with the correctly allocated foods and water, placing all of their toys in the centre of the living room to do with what they will; Harry and decided to have what we call 'going out toys' for the pair, it's basically a group of toys for them to play with when either Harry or I go out for an hour or so, leaving them on their own; they are special luxury toys that they can entertain themselves with until we return. It was Harry's idea, quite a genius one at that.

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