Chapter 50.

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{contains mature content}

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I clasp Harry's hand in my own and speed walk with him over towards the exit of the airport, gesturing small waves as we leave in a rush. I know it seems cruel but I haven't seen this man in six months and it's been absolute torture; not just emotionally but physically as well - he hasn't been there to cuddle me or kiss my hand or whisper in my ear and awaken the butterflies that flutter relentlessly in my stomach. He hasn't been here for me to show him that he's mine and I'm his for the rest of our lives, so I thought why not prove that to him when he gets back.

Harry smiles at all the fans and says hello as I drag him through their wall of bodies that block us from the exit. He's such a humble and lovely man, I know I made the right choice; it's like my heart was telling me to fall for him just after our first ever encounters. My heart knew exactly what I wanted, and needed of course.

When I saw him stood there looking completely lost in the centre of the airport my fluttering stomach sank, it was a complete contrast in question but it felt oddly exhilarating. Just knowing that he felt so upset and lost because he believed I wasn't there, it just confirmed his feelings for me, even if I did feel bad when doing it.

Perrie and I got there extra early just because we were so excited, she only got back to London a couple of days ago which clearly shows her dedication. However, when I proposed the plan of 'not showing up' she didn't want to contribute, but the fans wanted to help me nevertheless. I informed them all of my plan and hid behind a small section to watch Harry's reaction from afar.

It's safe to say I got the reaction I wanted. I had it planned over and over again in my head that it would be one of those really cheesy reunions that you see in films. You know the ones where they look around, spot each other, drop all belonging and just run to their partner. It amuses me how childish and cliche my mind is, but I don't care because Harry loves me no matter what and always will.

I'm extremely excited to have him back for many reasons, but at this current moment in time whilst I drag him through the crowd of screaming girls, I only have one reason in my mind. My body is filled with complete and utter lust, no other emotion could be found within my body right now because I just need him; I need his gentle touch to be rough this one time, and his husky voice to murmur profanities in my ear whilst he takes me in more ways than I could ever imagine. I just need Harry.

We hurriedly work our way out of the exit of the airport and shove Harry's carry on bags in the boot of my car, already knowing that Paul and the rest of the team will bring his mounds of suitcases later on. I smile to myself at the speed Harry enters my car, he's clearly just as excited to get home as I am - the lust flooding his eyes so it's almost obvious. I decide to tease him just that little bit, walking slowly around the car whilst he sits waiting anxiously for me to get in.

His window winds down so I can hear his deep raspy voice, my insides clench at the sound, "Emma get in the car, now."

I obediently do as he says and rush to my side of the car, getting in and switching the engine on without haste. We're both so overcome by desire that nothing is standing in our way. We only have one thing that's taking president in our minds and that's each other. I haven't touched his body in six months and I aim to do some major catching up for the next few days. "Go faster baby." Harry breathes, laying his head back against the passenger seat headrest as his hand lies teasingly on his clothed crotch. I focus entirely on the road to stop my mind from wandering to the eventful encounters that will occur this evening; but I can't help it.

I drive quickly being sure to stay careful but still get us home in record time. I hurriedly grab the house keys out of my bag whilst Harry gets his carry on from the boot; I press the button on my car key that locks the vehicle and turn to find Harry directly in front of me, his green lust filled eyes taking my breath away as I stare intently back at them with the same wanting emotion.

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