Chapter 40.

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"Sorry to do this to you Mrs Styles but your husband has ordered me to give you this," the driver starts, handing me a small and slim piece of material. "He said for you to put it on when we got this far."

Typical. Of course Harry would make me wear a blindfold, he loves the element of surprise and he knows I secretly do to. "Thank you." I smile, gently taking the blindfold from the driver and tying it around my eyes, shielding my vision from all aspects of sight.

After about five minutes the car comes to a slow halt; with my vision restricted the only thing I can depend on is my sense of hearing. I low mumbling surrounds the car from the outside, obviously not wanting me to hear. I'm starting to get a little more cautious now, I have no idea where I am or where I'm going.

My door opens abruptly and a hand grabs my wrist, making my body automatically tense. "It's okay Em's," I hear a familiar voice and furrow my eyebrows, not that anyone could see.


"Hey there hot stuff." She smirks and I smile immediately, my body relaxing after hearing her voice and knowing that I'm completely safe. Well, kind of, anything could happen really.

Hayley helps me get out of the car, grabbing what I assume is the bunch of balloons and thanking the driver whilst I wait aimlessly with my blindfold on. "Come on birthday girl!" She shrieks in a happy tone and grabs my wrist again, pulling me so I follow behind her to wherever we're meant to be.

I hear strange noises and a lot of talking which I assume means that we are in a public place. Children laughing excitedly and parents trying to control them as they run around, their tiny feet padding on the hard concrete ground only supports my prediction.

"Almost there." Hayley guides me further and further through the maze of people until all sound goes dead. I hear nothing but absolute silence; although, the smell is incredible.

Luscious sponge cakes and the aroma of sweets fill the air. Each and every smell enticing my smile further onto my face, they're all my favourites and obviously whoever put them there knows it. Hayley's hands release from their new position my shoulders and I am left without any guidance, just standing with a blindfold and no clue as to what is happening. Without warning I feel fingers at the black of my head, loosening the tie of the blindfold and therefore resulting in it slipping down my nose.

My eyes open to find an insanely large group of people, although not just any people, but all of my friends and family and colleagues - that could make it of course. Everyone stands on either side of a long table, complete with a pristine white tablecloths and crystal glasses; the table has placemats for every guest and one at the head of the table. To my left I see a large buffet, filled with all my favourite foods as I had predicted.

The walls above everyone's heads are filled with pictures of animals, captured in their comfort. I recognise the room immediately, we're at London zoo. Harry organised a surprise party for me at London zoo. My lips twitch at the memory, I distinctly recall bringing him here on a date during the beginning of our courting, that day was incredible because it was one of the few we spent together without much interruption.

"Surprise!" Everyone shouts each with a large grin on their faces, they all look so happy to see me. This is completely unexpected, did Harry do this? Was it his idea? Birthday banners are spread across a few of the walls and waiters are dressed completely in white, one of their hands occupied by a silver tray containing champagne whilst the other hand sits comfortably behind their back.

"Thank you so much, I'm thoroughly surprised." I smile incandescently at everyone, not being able to show any other emotion except sheer joy and happiness. I can't believe someone did this for me.

Fallen Rain. (Sequel to Old Rain)Where stories live. Discover now