Chapter 35.

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Eight stone three. I've gained three pounds in the last few days, and judging by Harry's reaction that's an extremely good thing. "Babe I'm so proud of you!" He comments enthusiastically, his broad arms swinging my body around in circles.

"It's all because of you." I respond with a smile, the tips of it reaching my eyes. He's helped me gain weight in only a few days and he's helping me strengthen my muscles; due to Harry's persistent and determined help, I can just about walk around the house by myself, meaning he doesn't need to carry me anymore - and I'm glad of that.

Harry has been an incredible help to me, whenever he needed something he would always make me go and get it for him allowing me to strengthen my muscles. By him doing this, it's meant that I can pretty much go wherever I like without his aid. I'm becoming a lot more dependant, I'm finally starting to become my old self again, and it's all because of Harry.

I happily volunteer to go and fetch things now, it's good exercise for me; however, I still can't climb the stairs. It's still difficult to hold and pull myself up the stairs, so Harry helps with that, although walking in general I'm a lot stronger. I eat two meals a day now, breakfast and dinner; lunch is a bit too much to ask at this moment in time, but I'm sure I'll get there soon enough.

My ears perk up at the loud rumble erupting from the skies outside and a bright flash. I let out a small gasp and my body begins to tremble slightly, "it's okay baby," Harry coos with a soft and reassuring voice, "it's just thunder and lightening."

The heavens open and rain begins to pour down heavily, bouncing off the dark grey Tarmac as a bright flash floods the sky. The way Harry's arms hold me tightly and securely ease my nerves, his reassuring grasp making sure that I feel safe. A loud burst of thunder follows not long after and my head lifts up to see him just in time, Harry's perfect green eyes bore into mine and speak to me. The jade coloured orbs tell me that I'm safe, and that he is here for me; and I'm actually starting to believe it.

I've changed a lot in these last few days that I've been home, I can already feel myself become happier and more enthusiastic about things - and Harry is the exact same. He smiles more now, and the dark circles that were once so prominent beneath his eyes have faded considerably. The old Harry is coming back.

"I love you." My wavering voices utters to him as my heart still shudders from the loud thunder and harsh lightening. However, my eyes tell a different story, the boring hazel colour staring admirably at Harry's beautiful green ones.

"And I love you," he responds with a smile making me respond with a smirk, my trembling body finally relaxing completely now as I just look at him. "You're coming back to me." His calloused fingers brush a stray piece of my hair behind my ear whilst he speaks triumphantly, happy that he is the reason behind my change in attitude.

I happily embrace his welcoming touch, nestling my cheek into his warm and comforting palm - the harsh conditions of the thunderstorm now slipping from my mind. Even though the weather is horrendous still, my mind wanders to what Harry has done for me these past weeks especially those eight excruciating days I was in that clinic for, it all shows how much he genuinely does love me and would do anything to keep me by his side.

Our foreheads lean together in their normal position, Harry's breath fanning across my face with the fresh smell of toothpaste, god I love him so much. Another round of thunder erupts outside but this time my body doesn't tremble at all, I simply ignore it and place a kiss to my husbands perfectly pink lips.

"Am I allowed to eat?" I hesitantly ask; when it comes to eating I'm not really too sure, I've started to have my breakfast when I wake up and then my dinner in the afternoon, skipping lunch. Harry says that anything is better than nothing, he even sits with me every time I eat to make sure everything has been consumed.

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