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October 23, 2017


I'm nervous as shit because it's been a week since August and Ron been in jail. I never wanted them to even do a day so a week?! Anything can happen at this point you feel me? They just now got August and Ron a court date for today at 11--- the system so fucking slow, I swear. August comes in first then Ron will be next. They haven't had no type of bond set for them and they haven't released their charges---everybody know about what went down anyway though. The whole rest of our little gang is beyond fucked up about it, especially since we was all apart of it but we ain't behind bars with them.

Ron and August holding it down in there for us for sure. We holding it down for them out here too. Bandzey and I been paying a lot of money for the best lawyers for those two. We find out today during their hearings of what's really going on with this whole situation even though we have came up with our own theory. For the most part, I'm scared to find out what the judge gone really do with them when this is all over.

I met August's mom and the rest of the family again... during this whole situation at hand. It was kind of mandatory I guess you can say. Ms. Sheila said August and Ron was lucky to meet Bandzey and I because she wouldn't be able to pay for August's lawyer let alone Ron's too if it came down to it. She's been very upset and down about them being in jail.

I been trying to be there for everyone, but I'm just as fucked up that my best friend is dealing with this shit you know? Bandzey talking to Ron's mom right now on the phone. She decided on flying her out here from Virginia. I don't know why, maybe because she just wants to meet Bandzey since she is another main lady in Ron's life. The tea is real.

Sneak and Teke been out on the search for this big bitch Grizzly. He must of went into some deep hiding because nobody has seen his ass. People out here in the 7th Ward want this man dead, so he better not ever show his face again---unless he's willing to die.

I was ready to leave out the door since I woke up this morning all bright and early. I haven't been having an appetite since everything happened, so I haven't ate this morning of course. I don't think I will eat until I find out what in the hell they gone do with my niggas. Bandzey on the other hand has been tearing the kitchen up---eating anything in site. She lowkey stressing bad since Ron ain't been around. I can definitely tell this past week with Ron being gone was really taking a toll on her. It's affecting her that he ain't around how he normally would be, same way for my best friend and I.

Crazy part about all this is Brittiany only checked up on Bandzey one time since the situation all went down. She know how Bandzey can get. Bandzey was fucked up a little bit about it, but to remind you she will say "fuck you" to a bitch or nigga real quick---ask Ron. Brittiany ain't shit for that on me. We been having each other so it ain't no biggy. We ain't got time for no fake and phony hoes straight like that. I mean, who do?

"Moni we got to head out so we don't be late!" Bandzey yelled through the house.

"I was waiting on you to get off the phone with Ron mama!" I shouted back getting up from my current position. She walked into my room looking cute and shit. It was like "Oh you stepping stepping?" because we been looking real shitty lately.

"Girl stop looking at me like that." She said smirking.

"Oh bitch I will! I'm saying though, you look cute." I complimented hyping her up--no cap.

She was all smiles and I ain't seen that in a minute. I think she has more confidence that they are getting released today than anyone else may have. We need that type of energy today for sure! Maybe we could get lucky, but I think they really are going away for a long time. That's what I'm so anxious about, the damn decision that the jury has to make.

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