Unable to Forget

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-Flashback 10 years ago-
(???):Mom I'm scared
There is a male child with (h/c), pale blue eyes, and white Faunus ears similar to that of a wolf standing outside of a home that has been set ablaze weeping and shaking uncontrollably. When a woman with white hair and the same pale blue eyes walks up to the boy and hugs looks him in the eyes repeating.
(Female):It's going to be okay son I promise.
When all of the sudden a sick, evil, and sadistic laugh rings out. The boy's mother turns to face the man but upon doing so, there is an awful sight as the figure who laughed jammed his sword ride through her abdomen. She let out a series of shocked and panicked gasps for air, but it was to no avail as she collapsed to the ground holding where she had been stabbed, she uttered only one more word as she fell to her knees.
(Female):Run .... (y/n)......I.....I.I...I'm so .....sorry.
Upon saying this she slumped forward. (Y/n) froze, he couldn't make his body move, he was paralyzed. Until the realization of what happened sunk in, (y/n) was at a loss he couldn't fathom what was in front of him. He was 7 year old child this kinda thing isn't supposed to happen. Until a blood curdling scream escaped his mouth followed by an unrelenting stream of tears began to flow down his face as he ran to his mother and shaking her repeating in a crushed and terrified face.
Then the figure that had stabbed (y/n)'s mother, began to walk up to (y/n) who was completely in pieces mentally. So much so that he didn't even notice the walking up to him, (y/n) looked up and asked with nothing but sadness and confusion in his voice.
(The Figure):It's against the rules of the White Fang for a member to marry a human. And just so you have no way to forget about this lesson....
The figure lurched forward grabbing the child and began to do something that would haunt this child for the rest of his life. He began to cut the child's left eye out of his skull. The amount of pain, sadness, and fear this child would have for the White Fang would be so great he wouldn't ever go near them. Or so they thought. The boy had obviously fallen unconscious because of the pain. The limp boys body was then thrown next to his mom. A few hours later (y/n) woke up next to the lifeless corpse of his mother, he began to tear up as he took the sleeve of her cloak and ripped it and wrapped it around the missing eye upon saying a very teary goodbye. The boy began to walk towards the village in the distance, as he did everything was enveloped in a blinding light.

-Present Day-
A boy in a white cloak (similar to Summer's but with sleeves and connects in the front imagine minato's cloak but with a hood) opened his eyes of which were odd. His right eye was pale blue and his left eye, accompanied by a vertical scar across his eye lid, was emerald green. He woke up in a sudden jerk but realized pretty quickly that he was on a bullhead headed to Beacon. He saw so many people trying to converse to one another but he hid himself away in a corner to avoid contact. He then began to realize everyone had so many bags, he just had what was on his back his butterfly sword, (imagine a butterfly knife except as big as a katana)clothes he was wearing, and a necklace in with pendant in the shape of a intricate star. Then a noise gathered (y/n)'s attention signifying the bullhead landing causing him to think
(Y/n)'s thoughts: Well I made it to Beacon I hope you're proud mom.

(A/n): So what do you guys think? I'm gonna ask this would you rather be added to team RWBY as a fifth member or have me come up with a team unique to you. The second will take some time to think of so yeah keep that in mind. Well regardless I hope you enjoyed and leave a comment if enough people are interested I'll continue. Peace!

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