20 Questions

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It's been two weeks since my fight with Niall and I'm so miserable. I've barely eaten, I can't hold anything down, I'm lethargic, and to top it all off I'm only a couple days away from my due date.

Justin won't leave me alone. He's afraid the minute he steps out the door that I'm gonna go into labor and he won't be there. If you ask me it's dumb to worry. I've got a whole posse of people that will be there for the birth if Justin's not. He needs to focus more on waiting music and recording than he does on me. His fans are really important to him and I don't want to be there reason they start to hate him.

No, I haven't told him about what Niall, Cam, and Ryan told me. I just can't seem to find the right words. Plus, if worse comes to worse, I don't want him to leave me because of how close I am to birth. Knowing us, we will fight about this and knowing my body, I will probably go straight into labor in the middle of the fight. I'm just so torn in my life right now. I don't know up from down, left for right, friend or foe.

"Babe," Justin broke my thoughts, "what's wrong? You look like you're gonna kill someone." I looked up at those beautiful brown eyes and shook my head.

"It's nothing," I lied, dropping my head.

"You sure?" Justin used his index finger to lift my head. I couldn't even maintain eye contact with him.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lied again. I felt so bad lying to Justin, but right now, that's all I seemed able to do.

"I'm sure Niall will come around," Justin said, "it's just a little fight. You two have known each other since birth. Hell, you probably love him more than you love me." I didn't crack a smile at his joke. "Babe, you're worrying me."

"It's nothing," I looked up at him, instead of my hands in my lap, "I'm just tired."

"Tired?" Justin was puzzled, "are you feeling ok? How's the baby?"

"The baby's fine," I placed a calming hand on his chest, "I'm not going into labor. I feel fine, all body parts are functioning normally. I'm just tired," I paused, and then decided to take a stab in the dark, "I'm tired of people keeping secrets from me."

"Yeah I feel you," Justin seemed to calm down when he realized that nothing was wrong with the baby, "but that's the lifestyle you get. People like to keep things from you and make shit up."

Ok, so maybe this tactic wouldn't work right away. I was thinking that maybe I could get Justin to tell me about kissing Cam, instead of me having to ask him about.

"I just wish people would tell me stuff," I pulled my leg up underneath me on the couch.

"But maybe they don't tell you the stuff for a good reason," ah there it is. I think I hit a nerve. Justin's shutting his doors. I need to coax him to open them a bit more then I can slip my way through.

"Yeah, but then I just feel like are hiding it. Then I feel like I can't trust them because I don't know them. Like, I don't even know stuff about you that most people having a baby together should know about each other," I pointed out.

"Like what?" Justin raised an eyebrow.

"Like," I pondered, buying time for me to figure out how I would word this, "like when was your first kiss?"

"Seventh grade year," Justin told me right away, "I got dared to kiss this girl in our grade. Ryan and Chaz said they'd pay me, so I did it. It was pretty romantic if I do say so myself." I rolled my eyes at his childishness.

"If you get to ask me questions, I get to ask you questions," Justin said. I shrugged my shoulders, "Fair enough."

"Who was your first kiss?"

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