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"Hey girl, I have to go. I have to head over to Austin's soon," I told Eleanor. We were currently Skyping and have been for the past two hours. I brought her up to on everything that has happened since she left.

"Ok, tell him I said hi and to get better. Oh and tell Justin to take care of you or I'll kick his ass," she said. I nodded with a laugh. I logged out and shut down my computer. I heard a door shut downstairs; Justin must've come over. We were still currently living in separate homes, hoping that this helps our relationship.The space has been good, but I miss being able to curl up next to him late at night and just feel safe.

"Hey babe," Justin walked into my room and kissed me. He laid down on his stomach across my bed.

"You feelin alright?" I lifted up the back of his shirt and started rubbing circles across his bare back. I could see goosebumps popping up all over his skin as I rubbed.

"No," he groaned into the pillow.

"Did you take your medication today?" I asked about his depression medication. It hurts me to think that Justin is depressed. He shouldn't be depressed as an eighteen year old. Well, actually...

"Happy Birthday baby," I leaned down and nuzzled my face near his ear.

"Mmm, thank you," he picked up his face and kissed me.

"I love you," I laid down on top of him and wrapped my arms around him. Justin put his face back in the pillow as he mumbled, "I love you too." We laid there in silence, me trying to comfort my aching boyfriend. I rolled over so I wasn't crushing him with my bulging stomach and just laid beside him, staring at his profile. I ran my thumb down his defined jawline and cheekbones. Justin turned his head and opened his eyes, staring at me with those beautiful brown eyes that make girls swoon.

"You didn't answer my question," I practically whispered. Justin blinked really slowly and sighed in an answer. "I'm sorry baby," I said, feeling tears pricking my eyes.

"Hey, don't cry," it was Justin's turn to comfort me. He brought a hand up and wiped away my tears. "It's my problem, I'll take care of myself. You take care of you two." One of Justin's hands made its way onto my stomach.

"But I'm supposed to worry about you," I stroked his face, "I'm the girlfriend; it's my job."

"And as your boyfriend its my job to tell you not to worry," Justin said. I rolled my eyes, a small smile breaking across my face. Justin smiled and leaned over to plant a small kiss on my lips. I nuzzled my face into his chest and sighed.

"Can we stay in tonight?" Justin asked, "Maybe order some Chinese, pop some popcorn, and watch movies on Netflix til our eyes bleed?" I groaned into his chest, "I want to, I really do, but I promised Michele that I would watch Austin so she could go out tonight."

"You can't miss one night?" Justin pushed me away so we could talk face to face.

"No, I'm sorry," I said, "I can't cancel. I know you wanted to spend your birthday with me, but Michele was really looking forward to getting out tonight." Justin groaned and rolled over to face the ceiling. "I'm sorry," I snuggled closer to him and wrapped an arm around his waist. "Wanna come with? We can still do all the stuff you want, just with Austin." Justin didn't say anything. "We can invite Ryan and Cam also and have a little party for you," I suggested.

"Whatever," Justin said to the ceiling.

"Hey," I picked myself up onto my elbow so I could look down at him, "I love my boyfriend so much and I want to spend his birthday with him." I turned his head so he could face me, but left my palm on his cheek, "So will he do me the honor?" I bat my eyelashes with my puppy dog eyes. Justin sighed with a smile and a roll of his eyes.

"Yes, I'll join you," I smiled and leaned down to kiss his soft lips. "I love you," he whispered against my lips.

"I love you more," I giggled before kissing him again. His tongue had just slipped into my mouth as my phone rang.  Groaning, I rolled over, away from Justin, and grabbed my phone from my bedside table. Austin's caller I.D. popped up.

"What?" I answered.

"Mom wants to know what you want to eat," Austin said.

"Actually, I was gonna bring food over," I told Austin, "me and Justin will be over soon." I looked over and smiled at Justin.

"Justin's coming?" Austin asked.

"Yeah, I didn't wanna leave him home alone with the dog all night," I poked Justin's cheek.

"Yeah, the more, the merrier," Austin chirped. "I'll see you guys in fifteen?"

"Yeah, we'll be there. Oh and tell Mama to look hot tonight," I told him. Austin just chuckled before hanging up. I stared at Justin.

"What?" he chuckled.

"C'mon, we need to go. We're on takeout duty." I rolled over and threw my legs over the bed. Justin quickly got up from the other side to help me up.

"What would I do without you?" I asked with a smile.

"Get fat," Justin smirked.

"Too late," I joked. Justin just rolled his eyes, but I heard a chuckle fall from his lips.

"Well, in three months time now, you won't be," Justin held my hips and rocked me, "and then I'll get to do whatever I want to you." Justin leaned down and started leaving kisses down my neck.

"Yeah, but you have to wait," I pushed on his chest, "and maybe if you're a good boy, you might get something special tonight." Justin wiggled his eyebrows and I threw my head back and laughed.

"I love your laugh," Justin smiled.

"Awe such a good boyfriend," I put my palm on his cheek and gave him a pat. "C'mon, lets go." I was able to escape his grip and waddle out of the bedroom. Justin ran behind me and helped me down the stairs.


"Knock, knock, knock," I said twisting to door handle and opening the door.

"Alli!" Austin's mom, Michele, came running down the hall engulfing me into a huge hug.

"Mama, I've missed your hugs," I said as she squeezed me.

"And I've missed your smiling face," she pulled me away.

"You look hot," I said taking in her full appearance. She had on a one shoulder deep blue dress, that hugged her body in all the right places. She had a white shawl over her shoulders and silver pumps to match. He makeup was on point and her hair was curled into an updo.

"Well Austin told me that you said I should," Mama said.

"And you do. Hope you have so much fun tonight," I said.

"I will. You guys have fun tonight as well," she saw the carryout bags in Justin's hands.

"Thanks Mrs. Mahone," Justin said.

"Oh honey, call me Michele or Mama Mahone," Michele put a comforting hand on Justin's shoulder.

"Ok, Michele," Justin had a smile on his face. Michele smiled before grabbing her blue clutch to match her dress as a car horn blared outside.

"That's my ride," Michele shrugged, "have fun. I should be back by 11. If anything happens, call me."

"I know the drill Mama. Go!" I was practically shoving her out the door. I slammed it shut behind her so she couldn't come back in. I looked at Justin and rolled my eyes. Justin put the bag down and wrapped his arms around my waist, "Now I know where Austin gets it." I giggled, "C'mon, let's go find Austin." I grabbed his hands from my waist and wrapped my fingers in his. We searched the house and finally found Austin in his basement watching T.V. on his flat screen.

"Hey, we brought dinner," I smiled.

"Good cause I'm starving," a voice came from the bathroom. I turned and saw Cameron walking out of the bathroom, shirtless like always.

"How did I know that you would be here?" I groaned.

"Cause you know me," Cameron smirked and sat down next to Austin. Justin leaned over and whispered in my ear, "If Cameron's here, does that mean we have to be?"

"It's my night with Austin," I told not only Justin, but Cameron.

"I could care less," Cameron said. Ignoring him, I turned to Justin, "Can you go get up some plates and forks?"  Justin sighed, but kissed my temple, and like a good boyfriend he went upstairs to go get them.

"Justin doesn't seem very happy," Austin said.

"Yeah, he wanted to stay in tonight, and it just be us two for his birthday, but I already promised Mama that I'd be here," I explained, sitting next to him.

"Well, we should give him the best birthday ever," Cameron said. I rolled my eyes, but dropped the subject when Justin walked down. We just kind of chilled the rest of the night. Justin didn't enjoy his nineteenth birthday as much as he would've liked...and I knew it.

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