Chapter 14

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I walked to a silent hallway. I then pulled out my cell phone. If no one going to help me then I will do it myself. I dialed Mercedes' number. The phone was ring for a minute or so. Then someone answered the phone.

"Hey it's Mercedes here. Who is this?" She asked on the other side.

"Hey. It's Kitty. I need your help." I said.

"Before I ask what you need. What is it for?" She asked me.

"It about glee and getting it back." I said.

"Then I am listening." She said.

"Can you somehow get all the graduate glee kids here?" I asked.

"Yes. When do want us there?" She asked.

"Soon." I said.

"Okay. We will be there soon." She said.

"Okay let me know when you guys get here." I said.

"Okay. Is there anything else I should know?" She asked me.

"I will explain everything when you guys get here." I said.

"Okay Kitty." She said.

"Okay. See you soon." I said and hanging up. So part one of my plan is done. I just need to think how I am going to the other parts started. What if I get the cheerio team to help me. But I have to do it behind Sue's back. I know I can to it. I think I can the football team to help too. I know Bestie would help me. She loves glee and wanted it back. I just need to think of a way to get the other glee clubs to help me. Also the strike has to be off school property.

It has been a few days since then. I am going to go talk to the The Warblers, Vocal Adrenaline, Haverbrook School for the Deaf, and Throat Explosion. Mercedes contacted me and tell me that they will be there in a few days. She will text me when she is here with the others. The last bell rang and I left to get my things in my locker then I am meeting with the heads of the Warblers, Vocal Adrenaline, Throat Explosion, and Haverbrook School for the Deaf. I got to my locker and quickly putting everything I needed in my bag.

"Hey Kitty." Ryder said walking up to me with Jake, Marley, and Unique.

"Hey guys."I said putting my last book in my bag and closed my locker.

"We are all going to hang out together. Do you want to join us?" Marley asked me.

"I can't." I said do one last check to see if I have everything I need.

"Why not? Are you mad at us that we won't help you do your stupid plan?" Jake said.

"Stupid plan. Really! I am trying to get glee back for us. Unlike you guys who just whine about not having it. I am trying to take acts and try to get it back. So I am sorry that my plan might get me in trouble but if it helps get the one thing that makes me happy and the one thing that makes us a true family then I am going to anything in my power to get it back. Also I am not mad at you guys. I just thought you guys would be right there with me because I thought glee meant that much to you guys too. But I must be wrong. If you guys don't mind I have a n important meeting to get to." I said to them. I just walked away from them. I walked into Lima Bean. I order my coffee and sat down in a corner waiting.

All of the heads of a glee clubs walked in. I waved them over to the corner. Sebastian Smythe and Hunter Clarington is here for Warbler. Jesse St. James is here for Vocal Adrenaline. Jean Baptiste is here for Throat Explosion. Dalton Rumba is Haverbrook School for the Deaf.

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