Chapter 51

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(A/N: I don't own airplane by b.o.b)

I was done with them. Mostly how they are treating Kitty. She is my friend. The only friend right now that is being true. I am going to stand behind her for that. But how they are acting it is making me rethink everything. I kind of hate thinking that.

It was the end of the day. I saw Ryder at his locker before he headed out to football practice. I walked up to him. He seems like he needs to talk to someone. I want to be there still for him. Out of everyone in that group I hated leaving him behind. But he proven to me that our friendship will still stay strong.

"Guess who?" I said playfully putting my hands over his eyes. I was trying to cheer him up.

"Let me guess... Selena Gomez." He said jokingly.

"Really? What is up with you and that girl? Do I look like I have dark hair?" I asked him jokingly.

"Never know until you dye it." He said to me.

"Funny. Never. I love my blonde too much." I told him.

"Don't worry I like you a blonde any ways. Don't change it." He told me with a smile.

I couldn't help but smile at that. He likes it just how it is. He never really wants me to change to fit in. He always takes me for who I am. Never what I am not. That is what I like about him. He always takes people for who they are and not what they aren't.

"I won't. Any ways, what is wrong? Seems like something is bothering you all day." I asked him.

"Just thinking a few things over. Nothing important." He told me.

I know that was a whole bunch of bull crap. I looked at him and was trying to find the answers I need in his face. But I can't figure it out. He was hiding it from me. I then said,

"That is a bunch of bull crap Ryder. What is going on? I want to help you."

He gave me a smile. Then said,

"I know you do. After practices we can talk about it. I promise. But I need to head before I am late."

He then shut his locker and ran down the hallway. I know he will keep his word on that. I will wait until then. Even if I don't get the whole truth then I will take it until he is ready to talk about it. I then headed to the field too. There was Cheerios waiting there until after football practice was over. We didn't have practice today. Couch was in a good mood today gave us the day off.

*Ryder's POV*

Kitty was always going to be the best thing that entered my life. I just don't know how to take that to the next step. I don't want to ruin our friendship. I know I can always talk to her about anything and she will be there to help me. I know when I tell her about what I have been thinking about doing she will be happy about it. But she will always think what is best for me.

After football practice we all went our own way. I saw a few of the football players head over to where Kitty and the cheerios were waiting for them. I was kind of jealous of them. I wish Kitty was coming with us to New Direction practice. It's not the same since she left. But I don't blame her. She needs to do what is best for her.

"Okay everyone. We have a lot to do today." Mr. Shuester said when we all got into the glee room.

We were learning the songs we got. We had to change a lot to our performances. Mr. Shuester had to give any way Kitty's parts. People were fighting over them. But no one understand why she left. Or even tried to stay close to her. I know Kitty has tried.

After practice I went to find Kitty. She probably still in the auditorium. I went there. I stood in the back watching them. They were in middle of a performance. They are good. Looks like Kitty was leading it. But they all shared parts.

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