Chapter 3

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(A/N So this story I am going to do different POV. Just letting you guys know that the POVS are going to be Kitty mainly, Marley, Jake, Ryder, Unique, or third person.)

*Ryder POV*

The bell ranged and i was walking Marissa to homeroom before i go to my homeroom.

"So what is the deal with you and Kitty?" Marissa asked me.

"What do you mean? We are friends." I said looking at her.

"Really just friends. I heard things. Things I don't like." She said.

"Yeah we are just friends. What have you heard?" I asked her.

She looked at me before answering me. "Its just that I heard that you two were a thing. Last year that is who you hanged out a lot with. If you hang out with a girl that much then she is either your girlfriend or a sibling."

"That was a rumor. We never were a thing. She just a close friend. We understand each other. She need helped last year and I was there for her." I said to her. Marissa just stopped where she was and looked at me.

"Ryder, we are boyfriend and girlfriend. But I feel like there is something going on between you and her. I seen what she can do. I think she likes you and she is going to take you away from me because she wants you. I don't trust her." Marissa said standing in front of me.

"Marissa, you don't have to worry. Kitty would never doing anything to hurt our relationship. If she knows I am happy then she leaves it be. Any ways she doesn't like me and we are only friends me and her. So there is nothing to be worried about. Come on we are going to be late to homeroom." I said trying to take her hand. She just walked away from me. I stood there looking like an idiot. What did I say?

"Wow man." Someone said behind me. I turned around to see Jake.

"Yeah I know man. I don't know what I said." I said to him.

"I don't know man." Jake said. We started to walk to homeroom. Jake and I always had the same Homeroom since freshman year. We should because his last name started with a P and my started with a L. But didn't care.

"Me either. So how was summer man? Have you heard from your brother ?" I asked him.

"My summer is good. Yeah I heard from him. He is doing good. He loves being in the air force but it scares Rachel . He told me." Jake said.

"That is amazing he loves it. Why would that scare Rachel. I thought they were only friends." I asked him.

"They are friends. But Puck told me he always had feelings for Rachel. He just never told her was because of Finn but he said when he goes out of air force or gets a break he is telling her and asking her out. I think Rachel has feelings for him too because she almost killed him when he told her about joining the airforce." Jake told me.

"Yeah. I think so too. But that is their problems. So what is going on with you and Marley?" I asked him.

"We are not together if that is what you mean. But she is talking to me again." Jake told me.

"Hey that is good." i said. When we got to homeroom we saw Kitty walk right past us. She looked like she was heading to the auditorium.

*Kitty POV*

I got done and sighed. What does she got that I don't have. I am a cheerleader. I am amazing. I grabbed my things and turned to see the picture of Finn looking at me. Some people would think that is weird, but not me. I take it as a sign. I have to get glee back.

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