Chapter 57

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When we got done we stood there. Everyone was clapping for us. I was waiting for what they had to say. This was to show them my leadership skills and talent that Finn, Brittany, Santana, and Quinn see in me.

"So, what do you think? Remember we really don't care. Also, we are going to kick New Direction even if you tell them anything you saw now." I told them.

"Wow. That was amazing." Blaine told us.

"So, are you guys in to help us?" Quinn asked them.

They all looked at each other. Then Mercedes answers,

"Oh, they going to hate us for doing this. But you know what it feels right. Hell, to the yes. We are in."

"Great. Now New Direction won't see what is coming." Santana said.

"You guys were not kidding us when you said Kitty got it. She is a born leader." Mike said.

I gave him a smile for that. Today I showed them what not many people see in me. The true me. Finn was the main one that saw it and tried to bring that girl out. Ryder is the other person who tries to bring the better side of me out.

"Told you. She is a born leader. With her leading this team I think we can go far." Quinn said.

The bell rang for next class. We grabbed our things and headed out. Quinn, Santana, Brittany, Mercedes, Sam, Artie, Blaine, Mike, and Puck just stayed there. I feel good knowing we have people believing us.

*Quinn's POV*

After all the teens left for class the rest of us sat there and talked. We talked a lot about the group and where we are going with it all.

"Finn know there was something there with Kitty. Mr. Shuester didn't see or listen." Mike said.

"No, he did. That is his fault." Santana said.

"Kitty can do it. She just needs people to support her. That is what Mr. Shuester didn't do." I told them.

"Not just Mr. Shuester. Have any one of you met her parents?" Puck asked us.

"No." We all said.

Where was he going with this? He parents don't even support her. I can understand that. If that is true that makes a lot of sense. I will need to have a talk with her.

"Why Puckerman? What do you know?" Santana asked the question we all were wondering.

"Well, what I have got from Jake and Ryder is that her parents are never around. Dad goes on a lot of business trips and mom rather be away with fake friends then be home with her daughter." Puck told us.

"I thought she had other siblings." Sam noted to us all.

"She does. But that all are fighting to keep our country safe." Puck told us.

"Wow. She sounds a lot like you Quinn except for the brothers." Brittany stated to us.

But she isn't wrong. Kitty's life did almost sound like mine. My mom never came around until I was gone. She then opened her eyes and realized what had happened. I felt alone if I didn't have my glee family. I can't let Kitty feel that way. I know Finn didn't. So, I am going to do something no one ever did for me. It's just the right thing to do. We are a family. We must help each other out.

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