Chapter 58

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But she isn't wrong. Kitty's life did almost sound like mine. My mom never came around until I was gone. She then opened her eyes and realized what had happened. I felt alone if I didn't have my glee family. I can't let Kitty feel that way. I know Finn didn't. So, I am going to do something no one ever did for me. It's just the right thing to do. We are a family. We must help each other out.

*Kitty's POV*

It was between classes. I was getting somethings from my locker. I then felt someone behind me. This isn't going to be good. Who ever this is here to bring me down is going to regret it. I turned around to see Mr. Shuester there with Jake.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Can we talk Kitty?" Mr. Shuester asked me.

"Isn't that what we are doing right now?" I asked him.

"We know what you did Kitty. How could you do this to us? I thought we were friends." Jake told me.

"Excuse me. We are not friends. Friends are there to support and help each other. All you have done is push me to the back. Whatever you think I did I don't feel bad about it at all." I told him truthfully.

"Jake let me take care of this." Mr. Shuester told Jake. He then turned back to me. "Kitty, what you are doing is not a team player. Getting the others to come to help you without their consent. It's not right. They should have a say."

"Wait, this is about Mercedes, Sam, Artie, Blaine, Mike, and Puck deciding to help us?" I asked.

Before he could answer Quinn, Santana, and Brittany was right beside me. They must have seen them talking to me. Know something was up. Quinn then said,

"Mr. Shuester, if you truthfully want to know. I asked them to come and see them. So, if you want to blame someone then blame me. But you better leave Kitty out of this. She has nothing to do with this."

"No Quinn. I got this. If it has to do with our glee club then it has to do with me too. The thing with Mercedes, Sam, Artie, Blaine, Mike, and Puck they just opened their eyes and realized what is the truth. Where they belong truly. The glee club that is truthfully fair. Not just pick their favorites and just use them. Not open their minds to something new. Now if you two have anything else to say then say it now because this will be the last time we will have this until compaction when we will win." I told them.

They didn't say anything else. I took that as the end of it. I shut my locker and walked away. Everyone got out of my way like the red sea. I know Brittany, Santana, and Quinn was following me. When I know we were far from them, I stopped and looked at them.

"Oh my gosh Kitty. That is my girl. You put them in their place." Santana said.

"You handle that great Kitty. I couldn't do any better." Quinn told me.

"Thanks. I just couldn't let them say that and think I was going to just fall over and agree. I am not that type of girl. Jake and Mr. Shuester should have known that." I told them.

"They know it now. They better not try that again or they will regret it." Quinn told me.

"If they try that again. I then will give them my true piece of mind. It won't be pretty. I promise that." I told them.

I then started to head to my next class. But I was stopped by Quinn. I looked at her confused. She then said,

"I was actually coming to talk to you when I saw Jake and Mr. Shuester talking to you."

"Really? What's going on?" I asked her.

"Well, Puck told me about your living arrangements. It made me start thinking. I know how that feels. Your parents not being there for you and not supporting you." She told me.

"I didn't know Puckerman know about my living state." I said. It then hit me. Jake and Ryder must have told him. Of course, they did. Those two hates how my parents treat me. They wished they could do more. "Jake and Ryder probably told him. It's all fine. I learned to work with it."

"Here the thing Kitty. I have come up with an idea. Something I wish someone did for me. I am now doing my collage online. So, I have a place of my own. More like my mom got me a place to live at. But I know she won't mind you come stay with me. If you want to?" She asked me.

"You want me to live with you? For real?" I asked her.

"Yes. This live style you are living isn't good for you. If your parents want to try to take you away. We will take it to court." She told me.

"Quinn, I would love that." I told her.

"Okay then. After practice I will take you home and you grab whatever you want, and we then head to my place. Santana and Brittany probably will come and help us out." She told me.

"Deal. I can probably get Ryder to help us." I told her.

I gave her a hug. She is giving me the best thing. I then let her go and headed to my next class. I was now in the best mood I could ever be in. I can't wait to tell Ryder. I hope no one will ruin this for me. That is what I fear. Knowing my luck something is going to happen.

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