Chapter 46

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"The one and only Kitty."

Everyone looked at the them. A few of them looked at them like they were crazy. But the rest looked at them like they agree. Those are the true believers. Then of course Unique must open her big mouth. She said,

"What? She isn't the leader. We have one and it's Marley. Kitty doesn't care for this club."

Are you kidding me? I don't care for this club. This club means a lot to me. I won't have done everything in my power to get it back. Or did the wannabe forget. I was the one who did bring it back. The only one that did something. Okay, I had enough of this. Time to set up and make Finn proud.

"Oh, shut up Unique. So, I am not a leader or care for this club. Then why did I do something to bring it back. Out of any of your scared asses I did something. Look what happened. We got glee and the other clubs back because of me. So, last time I checked I do care and I think I am the best choose for that rule." I told her.

"Yes, Kitty. You got glee back but you could have been doing it to impress Ryder or something. You were the one who got played by the compaction. How don't we know you didn't tell him our stuff?" Unique commented.

Everyone in the room was quiet. I know this was between Unique and me. I looked over to the graduates. I saw Santana and Quinn watching me. They know I was holding back. I then thought about Finn. He believed in you. He knows you could be the leader.

"Yes, I dated Hunter. But Rachel dated Jessie and he was in this club fooling them. But they didn't doubt her once afterwards. Because they trust her. I am standing here telling you to trust me. I brought glee back for the school. For us. I risk everything. You don't get that. I was the one who lead the biggest stand ever happen in this town. I could have lost everything because of it. But I didn't care if I got this club back. If that doesn't make a leader. Then I don't know. If you guys can't look see what is right in front of you then you all are stupid." I told them. I then took my seat and didn't look at anyone.

"Well, we all were risk everything when we joined. So, you were not the only one." Unique was saying. But was cut off by the graduates.

"Unique stop. You are not winning it. You are just making herself look sad. You guys would have probably got detention. Oh, so bad. But Kitty could have been expelled. Kicked off the Cheerios. Lose her statues here. But at the end by her being herself you get to sit here. Be in this room." Quinn said to her.

"Okay everyone we need to calm down. We can talk this all out. But they are right Marley is the leader guys." Mr. Shuester said.

"Mr. Shuester sit back down. We told you. We were the one taking over. You are right one thing. We need to calm down. But Marley this is nothing to put you down or anything. It's just we feel that Kitty would be a better choose." Rachel said. Everyone couldn't help look shocked at Rachel for telling Mr. Shuester to sit down.

"It's fine. I really don't mind. Truly, I never wanted to be the leader." Marley said.

"Then maybe someone else can be the leader." Unique commented.

*Rachel's POV*

I stood there looking at the room. I then saw Kitty. I remember something Finn told me when he was alive.

*Flash back*

I heard my phone was ring. I started to look for it. I know it was in this bag somewhere. I then found it. I saw it was Finn. He calls me when he needs help with glee or just want to talk. I answered it,

"Hello Finn."

"Hey Rach. Got time to talk?" He asked me.

"Yes, I do. Just got done for the day. So, what's up?" I asked him.

"Nothing much. But I have a lot to tell you about glee." He told me.

"Oh really? What's going on? Everything alright?" I asked.

"Yeah. But I just don't know how to help Kitty. She has so much talent. I really think she can be a great leader for us. But she doesn't want to step up to it. She feels that she isn't that good." He told me.

"Oh Finn. How go is she? From Quinn to Me?" I asked him.

"That's the thing. She is like a mix of you, Quinn, Santana, and Mercedes all in one. But she does know it. You can see the passion and love in her eyes when she sings. She is amazing singer. She really can go places. But she doesn't think so. For a strong power girl like her. I really thought she would be all for it." He told me.

"Wow. All four. Really?" I asked to make sure I heard him right.

"Yeah all four." He told me.

"Maybe she has been in the back too long. She hides that away. Try to find something to bring it back. Show her she can do it. Make her believe. That is all you can do." I told him.

*End of flash back*

I remember we talked a bit more about glee and her. He really believed in her. That wasn't the first time we talked about her. I know if he believes in someone then there was something. I am going to make sure it happened.

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