Chapter 66

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"No, jail. I promise. But before I ask. I want to tell you that you are my best friend. You mean the world to me. But I want to ruin anything we have. I just want to make it grow. You know I like you. Like really like you. So, I am just rambling now. Will you go out with me?"

I was getting nervous now. He didn't say anything right away. So, I was worried he was going to say no. But instead, he looked at me and gave me a huge smile saying,

"Kitty, I would love to go out with you. But I want to plan the date."

"Deal. But truthfully, you made me nervous. You took your good old time answering me." I told him.

"Now, why would Kitty Wilde be nervous? She can do anything." He said joking with me.

He knows he was making me nervous. If anyone knows me better is him. He is the person that knows me like the back of his hand.

"Come on. I will give you a ride home." He told me.

"Deal." I said.

So, a lot of things has happened since the day I asked Ryder out. Today is going to be our date. He said he has the whole day planned. I am so nervous. I don't know how to dress or now. So, I am just going with some ripped up jeans and a cute t-shirt that I have. Just in case.

I headed downstairs to see Quinn in the kitchen. She was making coffee. I went over to the table and sat down. I was waiting for Ryder. He texted me earlier saying he was going to be here in about five minutes.

"Morning Kitty." Quinn told me.

"Morning." I said.

"So, are you nervous?" She asked me.

"Yes. I have no idea what this boy has planned. But he has the whole day planned he said. Do I look alright? I didn't know what to wear." I told her. I then stood up for her to see my outfit.

She looked me over. I even did a spin to show her everything. She gave me a smile and said,

"You look great."

"Thanks. Do you know what he has planned for me today?" I asked her.

"Sorry hon, no. I wish I did. But whatever it is, it's going to be great. I just have a feeling. I can't want to hear all about it when you get home." She told me.

Then we heard a knock at the front door. Quinn went to get it. I waited to hear who it is. I then heard Ryder's voice. I went out of the kitchen to the front. There stand Ryder with flowers in his hands. It was a bouquet of roses and sunflowers my favorite.

"Wow. You look amazing." He said when he saw me.

"Thanks. You look great yourself." I said.

He handed me the flowers. They looked gorgeous. I already know where he got them from. They are from his mother green garden. So, this means even more special to me.

"You guys have fun. Don't keep her out to late Ryder. You guys do have glee practice tomorrow morning." Quinn said to us.

"Don't worry Quinn. I will have her home in a respectful time." Ryder said.

"Bye." I said handing her the flowers.

We then left to go on the adventure he has planned for us. We drove for a bit and stopped at the park. I looked at him. He just gave me a smile and got out of the car. He came around and opened the door for me.

"Okay. What are doing here?" I asked.

"You will see." He said.

He then opened his trunk and took out a basket and blanket. He has a breakfast panica for us. That is so sweet and cute. I love the idea. We then walked to a spot and put everything down. He pulled some coffees from my favorite spot. Also, pancakes and other food. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I love this." I told him.

"I thought you would. You love anything different. You can now tell everyone we were the first. No one has ever thought of." He told me.

We ate and talked. This was already perfect. When we were done, we just relaxed there for a bit. We then headed back to his car to put everything back.

"So, ready for part two of your surprise?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I answered.

He then pulled out two helmets and handed them to me. I looked at him confused. He then pulled out two seats of skates. I love to roller skate. It was one of my favorite things to do during the down time.

I smiled at him and handed back one of the helmets and grabbed one of the skate pairs. We put them on and headed off. We were having so much fun. Around noon we stopped and got ice-cream. Then afterwards we raced around the park for a bit.

It was getting around dinner time when we were done. We got back into his car and headed to the last spot he said. We were passing a bunch of restaurant and places. But we didn't spot at any of them. We just kept on driving. Then we drove up this hill and stopped.

I got out if the car and gave him a confused look. He just put his hand out for me to take. I do trust him. He hasn't wronged this date yet. So, I took it and let him lead me into the woods we stopped in front of.

Just then we came to a clearing. In the clearing was a table. It had lights set all round it. The table was set but there wasn't anything else. But the view was beautiful.

"So, what is on the menu then?" I asked following this.

"You will see." He said.

Just then one of the football players came out of the woods with a tray. It was covered. I couldn't help my snicker because he was all dressed up for some fancy restaurant. He then put the tray down and left.

"That is to good." I said.

"I know. I told him just something nice looking, but I didn't mean this." He said.

He lifted the cover on the tray and reveal all my favorites. Now this was the best date I ever been on. I don't want it to end. We just eat and enjoyed our time together and the view.

(A/N: Probably the next chapter will be the last chapter of this story. I thought to let all you readers know. Thanks for reading.)

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