Chapter 65

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We then headed to the one place I know I was going to be called to after I just did that. Mr. Shuester thinks I don't know his next move. But I do. Then walked into principles office. I took a seat on the couch with Sue staring at us. Just like I called it. Mr. Shuester and Rachel Berry came rushing in.

"What is going on?" Sue asked us.

"Kitty, came into our practice and threat the New Directions." Rachel said.

"Is that true?" Sue looking at me.

"I won't say threat. I would say warned. Any ways I was just defending myself from what they did to me this morning. Mostly, when Mr. Shuester or any of them would do anything." I told them.

"Mr. Shuester told me that kids are going to be kids. That we should let them work this out. But I made sure that my group knows not to slushie no one or bully anyone or they will be kicked out of the group. But he is letting his group go after my people. No, that is not right. I think what Kitty was just telling them the truth. I am not going to stop her." Quinn told Sue.

"Kitty threated my kids by saying that she will be worse than you and Santana combine. So, how is that not bullying. She has been a bully in the past and no one changed." He said.

"What do you want me to do? Kitty, has you done anything? Any ways your kids Shuester has been bullying Quinn's team since they made. I have more complaints about them. So, here is the thing. If you want me to punish her. Then I am going to have to punish the ones who slushied her this morning." Sue said.

Mr. Shuester did not say a thing. Rachel looked like she was about to lose her mind. I know Sue was on my side. She and I understand each other. Then Mr. Shuester just walked right out the office. That was his warning. Rachel then followed him.

"Thanks for that Sue." Quinn said.

"Don't thank me. Kitty watch what you do. I really don't want to expel you. So, you better be careful on whatever you think of doing." Sue told me.

"Don't worry Sue. If I have not learned anything from you guys. Its words scare more then any action if you mean what you say with fear and confidence. I won't do anything. I have already done it. Just me doing what I do and rule this school is all I have to do." I told them truthfully.

"I couldn't be prouder. I know you would be the one to change everything. You are doing now." Sue told me.

We then left and headed back to the gym. The group was waiting there for us. I stood in front of everyone and said,

"We will not stoop to their level. I have already put the fear in them and that is all we will do. We will keep on doing what we are doing. We will be the better people then them. Will not be what the past was. This group will be the change of it all. Show everyone that we can be better then what they thought."

"Kitty is right. We shall show kindness and compassion. No bullying or you will be kicked out. If they stoop that low let them. Just get help and come find one of us or Sue. We will be better and show them." Quinn told them.

After everything was over, we headed out. The rest of the day was uneventful. I went to my locker when the day was over. I really was ready to go home. I just wanted to go take a hot bath to relax from the day.

"Kitty." Santana said coming over to me.

"Hey Santana. What's up?" I asked her.

"Quinn, Brittany, and I decided that todays after school practice is canceled so you guys can just relax for a bit." Santana told me.

"Do you want me to text or tell everyone?" I asked her.

I was not complaining to her about it. After the day we had the group kind of needs it. Even if we will probably meet up somewhere else to spend together.

"No. I already saw everyone. You were the last one to tell. Also, I was wonder how it went?" She asked me.

"You mean asking him out? It has not happened. Everything else came between it. I was going to do it this morning and then I got slushied. After that everything came after it. So, maybe it's not meant to be." I told her.

"Hell no. There is still time in the day. You still look great even if it wasn't the outfit you wanted. Looks like the sign is right there. Here he comes. Good luck." She told me.

She then walked away. I could not help but smile. I turned back to my locker and investigated the small mirror I had. I wanted to make sure I looked alright. Then I turned to Ryder.

"Hey Ryder." I said.

"Hey. So, looks like we don't have practice. Football practice is canceled for us guys too." He told me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Beiste had something to do. But if you ask me she went to lecture Mr. Shuester. I saw Sue and Beiste talking and Beiste didn't look pleased." He told me.

"Well, I hope she can help." I said.

"Yeah. So, do you want to hang out. We can go to the park or something?" He suggested.

"Sure. But I still have Cheerio practice. So, after." I said.

"Yeah." He told me.

I know right now was the moment. I took a big breath and just went for it. Do it now or never. I then said,

"Ryder, you would say we are really close. Right? So, I can ask anything from you."

"Yeah. I am sorry I won't go to jail for you." He said jokingly.

"No, jail. I promise. But before I ask. I want to tell you that you are my best friend. You mean the world to me. But I want to ruin anything we have. I just want to make it grow. You know I like you. Like really like you. So, I am just rambling now. Will you go out with me?"

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