Chapter 15

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All of the heads of a glee clubs walked in. I waved them over to the corner. Sebastian Smythe and Hunter Clarington is here for Warbler. Jesse St. James is here for Vocal Adrenaline. Jean Baptiste is here for Throat Explosion. Dalton Rumba is Haverbrook School for the Deaf.

"Thank-you for joining me today." I said to them.

"You said that if you want to be known then you should come." Jesse said.

"Yeah. I am trying to get New Direction back. I need your guys help." I said.

"Why should we help you? If you guys don't come back then that is less competition for us." Jean said.

"Yeah you're right but I bet if the news might be there if there is a big deal. So meaning if you guys help then you guys will be seen on camera." I said.

"I don't know. I am with Jean with that." Jesse said.

"My glee group will help." Dalton said.

"Thank-you Mr.Rumba. Sebastian and Hunter you guys have been quiet. What do you say? Will you help?" I asked them.

"You are alone on this aren't you?" Hunter asked me.

"How could you tell?" I asked him.

"Sebastian told me what happened with Rachel and Jesse and other times. The stick together and they will go with each other for big this like this. So tell me how many is helping you from your side?" Hunter asked me.

"Not a lot. Only the ones who already left. The ones this helps are scared and don't want to help." I said.

"Why should we help you?" Sebastian asked me.

"I know that there is not much I can say to convince you guys to help but I bet you know the feeling you guys get when you know you are welcomed somewhere and wanted. That feel you get when you sing a song that you know you love and you that you have a place to go. If you know how that feels then you will help me. I don't got much to use. I just want that feeling back." I said to them.

"I know how that feels. I am surprised that they won't help you. I been in that group and all I felt is love and happy." Jesse looked at me. " So we will help you." Jesse said.

"Thank-you Jesse. That means a lot." I said.

"We will help too. Just because we want to beat you for real this time." Hunter said. Sebastian nodded in agreement.

"I know how it feels too. That is why I am in my group. I would hate not having that feeling. We will help too." Jean said.

"Thank-you guys. I just need a place to hold the strike. It has to be off Mckinley 's property." I said.

"We can have it at Vocal Adrenaline's stage." Jesse said.

"Okay. Give us the address." I said. Jesse started to write down the address and then my phone went off. "Hold on. It's one of guys." I said. I answered the call.

"Hey Girl. We are going to be there tomorrow." Mercedes said.

"How did you get it so quick?" I asked her.

"Money bags. Sugar is amazing with timing." She said.

"Okay. Do you know where Vocal Adrenaline's stage is?" I asked her.

"Yes. Why?" She asked me.

"That is where we are having it." I said.

"Okay. See you tomorrow." She said and hanged up.

"Okay. We are doing this tomorrow." I said. They all agreed they will be there. Okay tomorrow it all starts. I still have to get the Cheerios and football team. We both have practice early in the morning. I can get them then. Tomorrow is the day.

Don't Stop BelievingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz