Chapter 6

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"Because she came to me and told me to stay away from you. So what was this fight about really? Let me guess. She thinks I am trying to ruin your relationship. She thinks I am trying to steal you from her." I said.

"Wow. It was like you were standing there." Ryder said.

"Did she really say those things man?" Jake asked Ryder.

"Yeah. But I told her that Kitty and I are just friends." Ryder said.

"What does she think about it?" Unique asked.

"She thinks that that Kitty and I are more than friends." Ryder said.

"Yeah." I said fake smiling.

"Kitty, tell him or I will." Marley said.

"Tell me what?" He asked looking at me.

"She came to me and told me to stay away from you." I told him.

"What? When?" He asked just looked at me.

"In my first block. She doesn't want us to be friends. Her words were, 'Stay away from Ryder. I don't want you to talk to him, look at him, or be near him.' So yeah. But I don't care we are friends and I only want to see you happy." I said smiling.

"Yeah I know. I will talk to her. So don't worry. Can we change the topic?" Ryder asked.

"Okay. How was everyone's summers?" Jake asked.

"It was good. I got to go to New York City. I hanged out with our glee family when I was down there. It was amazing." I said.

"Wow that's cool. I hanged out with Unique most of the summer. Also I have been righting too." Marley said.

"So can we see or hear the songs?" I asked looking at her book bag.

"No. It is not finished, but when it is then maybe." Marley said.

"Fine. Unique what did you do over the summer?" I asked.

"Hanged out with Marley and spend some time with my family. They are now having a better mind about who I am and I am allowed to be me." Unique said.

"That is amazing." Marley said.

"Yeah it is." Unique said.

"Ryder what did you do over the summer?" Jake asked.

"Dating with Marissa and hanging out with Jake and my family." Ryder said.

"So Jake what did you do over the summer?" I asked.

"Hanged out with my brother until he left and my family. Also I hanged out with Ryder." Jake said.

"That is cool. How is your brother?" Marley asked.

"He is good. He loves it. He is so happy doing something with his life." Jake said. We sat there and talked about life and last year. Also we walked about what we think is going to happen this year. Then the bell rang for the end of this block. We looked each other and frowned. I hate this. We walked away from each other and headed to class. But Ryder walked with me. Then Marissa came up to us.

"Hey babe." She said to Ryder giving me a dirty look.

"Hey." He said.

"So can you walk me to class?" She asked taking his arm.


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