Chapter 16

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"Okay. We are doing this tomorrow." I said. They all agreed they will be there. Okay tomorrow it all starts. I still have to get the Cheerios and football team. We both have practice early in the morning. I can get them then. Tomorrow is the day.

It is the next day. I got to my cheerios practice. I asked both Coach Bieste and cheerio coach if I can talk to the football team and the cheerios.

"Okay. Thank-you everyone to listen. I need your help. In few minutes there will be a strike going on to get glee back. I want your guys to join me. I want you guys to help me. I want you guys to join me." I said.

"Why should we help you? We don't even like that club." A cheerio said.

"There is not much I can say to convince you to help me. But think like this. Sue took away glee because we were not number one. She would of took away the cheerios and football team away if you guys didn't get number one. I am done with Sue taking away thing that is not number one. We have enough money. She just doesn't want any losers in the school. That is why you should help me. What if it was the cheerios or the football team. I know if we leave other will follow us. We are the popular ones. People look up to us. So I am here to be the one to make that stand. So who ever want to stand with me then follow me." I said walking away. I had most of the teams follow me. We walked through the school. Then we walked right out the front doors. We had other students follow us. We had the whole swimming team follow us too.

We got to the meeting place. All the glee clubs were there. Even the other glee members from New Diction.

"Damn girl. How did you do this?" Mercedes asked me.

"Just being me. I have my ways." I said.

"You are a born leader and Mr. Schuster didn't see it." Rachel said.

"Thanks Rach. So Jesse the news got notified about this. Hunter did you let the radio stations know. Mercedes, Rachel, and Sugar if you don't mind me asking if we get glee back you fund us. But I am not just doing this for glee. I am doing this for any club that didn't become number one. Sue went to far. She needs to know when to stop." I said.

"You say it girl." Mercedes said.

"Kitty. Radio and news stations have been notified. We have every type of chargers for anything that need to be charged if it dies. Also Vocal Adrenaline supplied all the supplies we need like food, blankets, pillows, water, and of course music." Jesse said hitting a bottom and music started to play.

"Okay. So here we go. Everyone when the news get here just be truthful and tell them why we are doing this." I said. Everyone nodded. Everyone went to find a place to sit and relax.

"Kitty, this is amazing. I am happy I joined." I heard someone said. I turned around to see....

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