1.40 pm

"Okay. Make it quick. What do you wanna say to me?" Mina asked, impatiently.

Mina couldn't help but fidgeting and kept on looking at her watch.

As their food were served, slowly they began to dig in.

"Now eat. This is my treat and this is really our last lunch together. I mean it" Sana said in a serious tone while looking at her plate. Mina looked at Sana, furrowing her eyebrows.

"What? just don't tell me you are going to suicide or something?" Mina said and that made Sana scoffed upon the statement.

"Yahh. Are you crazy?" Mina said and once again, Sana scoffed.

"What do you think? I'm always crazy. I broke your heart, playing with other girls instead of appreciating you who loved me dearly, not only that I even cheated on you to be with Eunha and now she left me for other girl. This is just great, so damn great" Sana let out a deep sigh.

"Serves you right. Now you know how it feels like.."


"But don't tell me that you're going to end your life?"

Sana laughed at Mina's question. She was indeed insane.

"Hell no. I'm not gonna suicide or anything.. I just.." Sana trailed off.

"You just what..?" Mina asked raised her eyebrows.

"Hmm this is crazy but I wanna take my time to reflect"

Mina was surprised when Sana told her that and she seemed to get what Sana was trying to say.

"Huh? are you going there..? for real?" Mina asked.

"Yeah" Sana nodded her head.

"You're still sane right?"

"What? what's wrong with going there?"

"No. Nothing's wrong with going there but the fact that you're going there is so unlike you"

"Yeah I know but I guess that's the right thing to do"

"Okay. It's up to you. It's your life not mine" Mina hissed.

"To be honest. I almost got into an accident few days ago. But luckily I'm still alive so that time I thought that ahh I should live my life better.. I was thankful that I was still given another chance to live"


"So yeah. I want to take my time to reflect, spending time alone and heal myself"

"Well. It's a lil bit surprising but good to hear that"

"And I wanna take this chance to apologize to you. I know what I did to you before, you might can't forgive me"

"Ye ye ye" Mina listened to her half-heartedly.

"I just want you to forgive me. Well I'm not asking you to give me your heart cause I don't deserve your good heart. I know you deserve someone's better than me.. which I guess that someone is Chaeyoung and hell yeah I already knew it from the start.." Sana said smiling.

"Oh shit!" Mina cursed under her breath. Now that Sana mentioned about Chaeyoung, she just remembered about her meeting with that girl.

She looked at her watch it was already 1.55 pm. She needed at least 15 to 20 minutes to reach the cinema.

"Whaaatt??" Sana raised her eyebrows, finally noticing that Mina was in a hurry. Mina stood up and took her bag.

"Eh? where are you going? you don't even finish your food yet" Sana said to Mina as she pointed at Mina's food, which she has eaten probably only about quarter of the food.

"Look. Whatever you've done to me before I'll forgive you. Whatever you do now it's all up to you. I don't wanna care anymore. Just let me live with my own life. I love Chaeyoung. Yes I do and I wanna go to her now.. so yeah bye. Please livin' a good life.. You've got your chance so don't waste it" Mina said to Sana and she left.

Then Mina ran faster and faster as she could hoping that Chaeyoung would still waiting for her.

"Chaeyoung-ah..please wait for me" Mina said panting.

(Meanwhile, at the cinema)

Chaeyoung waited for Mina but Mina was not yet to be seen.

"Mina isn't coming.. I know" Chaeyoung said forcing a smile.

....And after quite awhile she finally decided to just leave.

---- To be continued ----

I'm hereby to announce you
that this book will end soon.
A good news for you - I'll write another michaeng fanfiction BUT only after I finish
with 'Signal Lovehouse' book
so as this book ends,
imma continue writing SL first
then I'll start writing the new book.
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A Girl Who Likes Ketchup (Michaeng) ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें