Description of the characters

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This is for the fans who don't like that I'm so undetailed and that I don't say what the characters look like. So here and shut up. And if I mess up last names and ages and dates, feel free to correct me because I forgot. Thanks! (: 

Vanessa Mary Richmond:

Age: 27

Birthday: January 11

Hair color/style/length: chocolate brown/wavy/stops at the middle of her back 

Eye color: brown 

Height: 5ft 

Body shape: She thinks she's fat, but she is C U R V Y 

Position: recently unemployed 

Description: Shy, scared, and sensitive. She never really had good boyfriends until she met Mitchell. Yes, their relationship was fast, but it's love. Her best friend is Kelsey who is absolutely...weird. She now lives with her amazing boyfriend, Mitchell, Kelsey and Rafael, and Alexandrov and Aliyah.

 Celebrity look-a-like: Emma Meyer (model)

I think that's it 

Mitchell Tobias Ross:

Age: 28 (I think) 

Birthday: February 13

Hair color/style/length: Blondish-brownish/straight/shoulder-length

Eye color: Blue 

Height: 6ft 5''

Body shape: Thick with some impressive muscles ;) 

Position: businessman 

Descripton: Strong, couragous, and confidant. Mitchell has been lonely before he met Vanessa. He loves her soo deeply and would do anything for her. He didn't expect to become the Alpha of his newly formed pack. Rafael is his Beta. He didn't want everyone to move in with him. He only wanted Vanessa. Now, his whole house is filled. He protects his pack from Raul and his clones. 

Celebrity look-a-like: Chris Hemsworth 

(I think that's it) 

Kelsey Lorraine McDowell: 

Age: 26 

Birthday: April 17 

Hair color/style/length: More brown than blonde/straight/middle of back 

Eye color: Hazel 

Height: 5ft 4''

Body shape: Skinny, but curvy

Position: employee at a coffee shop 

Description: She's weird. Plain and simple. She's very energetic and funny. She's very outgoing, truthful, sensitive and forward. Kelsey is mates with Rafael and she adores him. As you read, you'll learn that she indeed becomes pregnant. Her due date is somewhere in the summer (I think). As you know, she lives with a lot of people. 

Celebrity look-a-like: Emma Stone 

(Hopefully, that's it)

Rafael Adonis Strathmore:

Age: 28 

Birthday: August 12 

Hair color/style/length: Dark brown/little bit wavy/normal boy cut

Eye color: brown

Height: 6 ft 2"

Body shape: muscular 

Description: Determined, passionate, and strong-minded. He absolutely loves Kelsey and would do anything for her. He is the Beta of this pack. He is a soon-to-be father. His arms are all tatood. He's very awkward and unexperienced, but Kelsey breaks him out of his shell. He hates how he's Raul's brother because growing up, his parents favored Raul over him. 

Celebrity look-a-like: undecided 

(don't know if that's it)

Aliyah (All-ee-uh) Nicholetta Marvon: 

Age: 26 

Birthday: October 20 

Hair color/style/length: Dark brown/curly/passed shoulder-length

Eye color: brown 

Height: 5 ft 3'' 

Body shape: skinny but curvy

Description: Anxious, shy, curious. She was held a slave to Raul and his clones. She meets her mate, Alexandrov and they fall in love (duh). She quickly gets along with the girls and really hopes to become a mother one day. 

Celebrity look-a-like: Aliya Mustafina (I love her) 

(?? dat it?)

Alexandrov Josif Kackeroff: 

Age: 28 

Birthday: November 22 

Hair color/style/length: Dark brown/wavy/little over the years

Eye color: blue 

Height: 6 ft 4'' 

Body shape: broad shouldered and skinny

Description: Passionate. That's about it for him. He loves anything you make him do. He especially loves Aliyah who he recently found out was his mate. He didn't mean to be a rogue. His story will come soon. He is also Ukranian/Russian ;) 

Celebrity look-a-like: undecided


Nikolas James Ross: 

Age: 26 (?)

Birthday: July 24

Hair color/style/length: Blonde/wavy/almost shoulder-length 

Eye color: blue 

Height: 6 ft 3''

Body shape: similar to Mitchell's 

Description: energetic, confidant, and cocky. He's Mitchell's younger brother. He came to live with the pack because he wanted to finally settle down. He wants a mate and kids. 

Celebrity look-a-like: YOUNG Brad Pitt 

(?? eso es todo?) 

Raul Judea Strathmore: 

 Age: 28 

Birthday: August 12 

Hair color/style/length: Dark brown/wavy/buzz cut

Eye color: brown

Height: 6 ft 2"

Body shape: more muscled than Rafael 

Description: Who likes Raul? Honestly? He's evil and crazy and paranoid! Just like Joseph Stalin. You will soon learn why he desperately wants to kill Mitchell. 

Celebrity look-a-like: undecided 


IS THAT IT???????? Like I feel like I missed sooooo much so please tell me. And go check out my other books pleeeeeease :)

<3 Lesley 

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