"So you're really serious with Dahyun unnie?"

"Yeah of course. You know that I hated school but just recently I'm into reading books, like any genre. And, I guess fate that brought Dahyun and me together. The first time I met her was at the bookstore. Interesting, isn't?"

"Yeah Dahyun unnie really likes books. Can't deny that. She's even smarter than me. So what makes you're interested on her? I mean how did you fall in love? when I heard that she created a video to express her feelings to someone, I was like wow.. why so romantic? like I didn't know she had that side of her and not only that you even sent her a long message I envy you girls, seriously"

"Neahh..don't be. We fought almost every day but I still love her. Even I'm already talking to her, I still miss her. Crazy isn't? maybe it has been a long time since I was in a relationship so I really like the feeling to be in love and to be loved by someone now"

"I still envy though" Chaeyoung chuckled.

"Oh btw Chaeyoung-ah, don't you have any plans to stay with us at the dorm again?"

"I do but.." Chaeyoung trailed off.

"But..? your room is still vacant. Why don't you just come back? I thought you and Mina love each other, no?"

"I do love her unnie. But yeah I don't know why things are getting complicated nowadays"

"Why think about other things when you already love and have each other? forget about the past and concentrate on the present and the future. You can't change history but you can change your future.." Nayeon patted Chaeyoung's back.

"Gomawo unnie. I needed that" Chaeyoung smiled.

"You still love Mina, right? go to her cause I believe she's still waiting for you" Nayeon said, smiling to Chaeyoung.

"Where am I?" they heard Dahyun talked.

Thank god that she finally woke up. The two hurriedly checking on Dahyun.

"You're making us worried!" Chaeyoung glared.

"Oh Chaeyoung-ah. How come you're here?"

"Nayeon unnie texted me saying that you're in a hospital"

"Both of you know each other?" Dahyun looked so confused.

"You date her without knowing who is she? woah~ she's our dorm's landlord" Chaeyoung explained.

"Really?" the two nodded.

"Didn't know that Chaeyoung is your sister"

"I was about to introduce her to you but turned out you two already know each other" Dahyun told Nayeon.

"Yah you should've told me that you're allergic to peanut. I was wondering what did you eat, maybe the sauce. You're making me worried" Nayeon hissed.

"Thank god that you're safe unnie. You should take care of yourself more" Chaeyoung nagged.

"Okay okay. Stop the nagging now" Dahyun rolled her eyes. The rest chuckled.


(The next day, in the evening)

Sana went to a bar to have a drink. She was brokenhearted since she saw her girlfriend, Eunha was making out with other girl.

"I really wanna kill a girl name SinB" Sana muttered.

That night Sana just found out that SinB is Eunha's childhood friend. The two grew up together. Not only that, the fact that SinB is really damn beautiful made her upset that Eunha ended up choosing SinB over her.

"Give me the very strong one" Sana said to the bartender.

"Are you okay miss? why don't you just go out and inhale the ocean's breeze and then come back here again?" the bartender asked, to him Sana really looked like shit.

"Shut up! just give me strong alcohol. I needed that" Sana hissed. The bartender nodded.

"Fxck you Eunha!!!" Sana said angrily.

"I'm now fucked up. I should've been good to Mina. I guess this is my karma" Sana kept on drinking alcohol non-stop.

She even kept on muttering till she was really drunk. She now felt that she really had no one since Eunha left her for someone else. Regret was added to her sadness, it served her right.

"Hey lady" someone saw Sana was really drunk walking out the bar and couldn't even walk properly.

The girl approached Sana and decided to help her to get her a taxi. Sana looked at the girl smiling weirdly. She was really drunk.

"You...you..pretty..bunny teeth" Sana said pointing at the girl who was busy getting a taxi while holding Sana so she won't fall down.

"I'm bro..ken..hearted" Sana said again, she was really drunk.

The taxi finally reached them. The girl put Sana inside the taxi.

"Agassi.. where's your address?" the girl asked Sana but Sana was laughing and saying that she didn't know her house.

The girl contemplating about something and finally she decided to bring her home. The girl got into the same taxi.

"Ahjussi. Just go to our dorm please. Thank you..." the girl told the driver the address.

--- To be continued ----

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