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Hi guys I know you haven't heard from me for a while but I wanted to explain why I haven't been so inactive. Since earlier this year kpop hasn't been my biggest priority and unfortunately I've been slowly drifting away from it. I just don't feel the same about it as I used to. That's why I haven't been writing as much (although I still listen to it from time to time and even watch a few clips). I'm not sure if I'll ever be as active as I used to be and for that I'm sorry. I still love my boys (and girls) and wish them the best in all of their future endeavors.

Another reason I won't be writing as much is College, I'm starting my first year in the Veterinary Technician program and I've been warned that it's a lot of work. So I'm making my education a priority.

Please know that I'm not taking down my fics or imagines, I plan to write a little more before I put my hiatus into effect. You can expect a Yoongi oneshot (apologies to whoever requested it) and maybe a Baekhyun one as well.

Again I'm so sorry for not be able to write more, I just don't have the inspiration. Also to the people I talk to on wattpad, please don't take it personally when I don't respond right away. I'm swamped with classes and it doesn't help that I'm very bad at conversing. If you guys want to find me I'm sometimes active on my instagram

Thank you so much for putting up with my irregular schedule and mediocre writing.

- Sarah <3

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