Chapter 24: Replay

Start from the beginning

My small whimpers had turned into heavier cries, flooding my bloodshot eyes as they rushed down my flushed cheeks. I placed my hands over my face, hanging low to the floor whilst I was still sat on my knees.

What do I do? What do I say?

I promised that I would never leave him but what if he leaves me instead? If he decides that he doesn't want to be with a fucked up girl, he chooses someone else that makes him happy. Not me.

My muffled cries filling my hands, you know that cry like the long heavy kind when you can't breath and you're struggling to catch it and then immediately stop and stare nothingness. That's how it felt.

"Harley?" A low groan had suddenly made my head perch up, the room was dim but still possible to see. I turned over to see Joker sat up in bed, looking at me. I couldn't tell of what he felt by his face.

"Harley, what are you doing down there?" His tone was calm and strained.

"N-Nothing puddin, you can go back to bed. I'm sorry I woke you." My words in between were filled with cracks and stutters from my breakdown. I tried to sound happy, but it didn't completely work.

"What's wrong?" He questioned me with his sleepy voice, "Your voice only sounds like that when you've cried or you've watched another movie with a dog in it. And I'm pretty sure that we haven't watched any movies lately.."

A faint smile had appeared on my lips from listening to him talk about how my voice changes and what was one of the things that made me cry, the details that I wouldn't have thought he would care about. Or even know.

"It's honestly nothing baby, go to bed. You need the sleep." I spoke softly, his loud moan told me that he knew I was lying and he wasn't going to take the shit. So he got out of bed and walked over to me, his green boxes with black 'HA HA HA' patterned all over it made me snicker lightly.

"I haven't even said or done anything and you're already laughing? I wonder about you Quinn." He kneeled down in front of me, cupping my chin so I would face him. He dragged his finger along my tear-stained face, wiping any left over wet substance. I leaned my head into his touch wanting more of his warmth, he knew and started to caress my face.

"What's really going on? Why are you crying on the floor my angel?" His words made my heart flutter with delight, he took his hand away and instead pulled me into his arms.

"I, I had a nightmare," I stuttered again with fear this time.

"Mm, what about?" He started playing with my hair, brushing his fingers through my curls.

"J..J.." I couldn't capture the words to say his name, it was right there on my tongue but wouldn't spill.

"Go on, say it. Don't be scared."

"Jonathan.. Jonathan Crane." It finally came out, my words made Jokers grip tighten around me.

"Jonathan." His teeth were gritted as he spoke his name out loud, "What did he say?" He asked me.

"He said something about asking you what happened between you and him, plus revenge?" I furrowed my eyebrows trying to remember what else he said, but more importantly what was going on?

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