Chapter 33

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Thanks for being such an avid reader and supporter TGR20-16

Lauren sat beside Zach's hospital bed with her hand resting on his, waiting for the antidote to take effect, and praying that her mom had been right.

He hadn't regained consciousness yet, but the change in his pallor from a sickly yellow green when they had administered the antidote to the ashy grey it was now, left her feeling mildly optimistic.

When he began to stir she stood up to get a good look at him and smiled when he opened his deep blue eyes. His face held a confused expression as he seemed to puzzle through where he was and what had happened, and then it seemed to hit him all of a sudden, and he surged off the bed.

He jumped right off it actually and started trying to get a good look at his back through the Johnnie coat. If it had been happier circumstances she might have laughed at the funny little spin he did on the hospital floor.

He breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Troll bile?"

She laughed thinking only in their world could that be considered a question as she responded, "Yes, that and an antidote that we concocted for the poisoning."


"Yeah whoever did this wasn't taking any chances. It wasn't enough to use cold iron on the Fullbloods they poisoned it as well so that a healer wouldn't be able to cure them."

"Did they die?"

"No, in fact they weren't even injured. The council heard your telepathic cry and placed them in a stasis spell that protected them from the iron fragments."

Lauren leaned in to whisper to him, "Some of the 5th years think that if the council had used the stasis spell on the bomb then there would have been far fewer injuries and maybe even far fewer deaths."

"How many?" He demanded.

Lauren sighed audibly, "Zach we can talk about this later."

Zach clutched his hands into fists at his side and ground out, "how many," through clenched teeth?

Lauren was taken aback he'd never been short with her before not in their entire friendship.

She sighed again and said, "So far there are eight dead. Six guards and two students – a first year and a 5th year."

"So far?"

He gave her a super serious look that made her squirm.

She swallowed audibly and explained, "There were eleven others that were poisoned with the iron shards. We can't be sure the antidote will work on all the various magical types."

"But," she continued when he seemed to pale, "seeing that you're awake and you are on your feet it gives me hope that they will be okay too."

"Zach please lay back down. You shouldn't be up yet; just an hour ago you were on death's door."

Lauren grabbed his upper arm and led him back to the bed to lay him back down.

She adjusted his pillow under his head, straightened out his blanket, and tried desperately to smooth the furrow between his brows with her thumb.

Zach features seemed to crack as he uttered, "They could have saved them all."

Lauren wanted to cry. He sounded so disillusioned.

"I shouldn't have said anything . . . forget I said anything." She pleaded.

Zach's hand shot up and his fingers clutched his forehead, "I wish I could forget. It just keeps playing on repeat in my head."

Lauren watched his eyes turn to saucers in his face as he swiveled his head towards her and blurted out, "How long was I out?"

"Zach please."

"How Long?"

"It's Sunday evening."

He went to leap out of the bed again, but she caught him, and this time she used her fae strength to push him back down.

"Oh my God, the dad's are going to be worried sick! I've got to get home. How am I going to lie my way out of this?"

"Zach relax, that's been taken care of. All the un-enlightened parents have been spelled to think were on a school trip."

"I don't understand? " He said as he narrowed his eyes on her.

Lauren nervously fixed the blankets around him again. She hadn't even thought about what she would say to him when he woke up, she was just too damn focused on him waking up, and now she had gone and said all the wrong things.

"Lauren," he demanded, "How are they going to explain the two dead kids?"

"Zach we can talk about this later just please get some rest."

"Tell me now." He growled.

Zach fixed her with a deadly stare that made her not know where to look.

She began to fidgeted with his IV and stammered out nervously," T-t-the rumor was that they were going to fake a school bus accident, but now that there are two fatalities, Xander thinks they'll make it a car accident."

"They can't do that," He stammered, "Those poor parents will never know what truly happened to their kids!"

He was yelling now.

Lauren looked up to see Zach's hands shaking as she pleaded, "Zach you've got to calm down. You've just woken up from a coma."

"Lauren," he let out a heavy sigh as if he was getting ready to explain something to a not so bright child, "you've just told me that the council chose to save two Fullbloods rather than a tent full of children. That's what we are. We're basically children, and now they are covering up those deaths, like the Halfblood dead and the people that loved them don't matter, and you want me to be calm?" He bit the last part out through clenched teeth.

"I think you should go." He said with an exasperated sigh.

His words hit her like a punch to the gut. He wanted her to leave. She could see it in his eyes. Why was he angry with her?

"Hey don't shoot the messenger, "she laughed nervously as she threw up her hands apologetically.

"Just go!" he ordered as he pointed at the door.

Lauren felt her stomach do a sick little flip flop as she choked back hot swollen tears. She had to swallow several times to hold them at bay, yet still they pooled in the lower corners of her eyes and threatened to spill from her lashes, but she wouldn't let him see her cry.

No, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

So instead, she spun on her heel and strode purposely from the room. Somehow she managed to call over her shoulder in a cold voice – even though her heart was breaking.

"Have it your way," as the hospital door whispered shut behind her.

Tune in tomorrow to find out if this is the end of LACHARY.

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