Chapter 5

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Kyle and Travis headed home on the bus after the meeting and an exhausted Travis slept the entire way. By the time they got back home he was drooling on his shirt and dying to get to bed, but he took a shower first before flopping into his too small single bed.

It's hilarious really, he's too wide for his bed but Kyle's too long for his. Sometimes when he thinks of it he remembers that funny rhyme:

Jack Sprat would eat no fat
His wife would eat no lean;
Wasn't that a pretty trick
To make the platter clean?

And he has to chuckle to himself when he thinks: who's the wife in this scenario?

Not like they're married or anything, but they do plan on living together when they're older. They've already talked about moving in together as adults. Not like Kyle has any alternative, even if he does change his mind, it's too bad he's stuck with him. They'd even promised each other that one day when they have a place of their own they'll have king size beds.

He'd never admit it, but sometimes he worries that Kyle will change his mind about him and he'll be alone again, but that's some punk ass shit, so he never let's on he feels that way.

Travis eyes drift closed of their own accord and he dreams about the days when he had no one and no one cared.


The next morning Kyle shook him awake which was weird, because he usually had to wake him up. It was as annoying AF when Kyle kept hitting the snooze button, so Trav had moved the alarm over to him to stop it. Usually he just gets up and spends a half hour being the snooze button while Kyle pleads for just 5 more minutes. But today he'd slept right through it and they were late.

They get their self off to school in the morning. His foster parents were extreme early risers up with the sun and out the door before 7am. With no one there to monitor them he'd taken up the task.

Kyle shook him again and exclaimed, "Come on Trav, we're going to be late and Knights going to rip us a new one."

Trav got up groggily and perched himself on the bed for a moment before getting to his feet and heading for the bathroom. He washed his face and brushed his teeth, ran a comb through his short cropped hair all the while Kyle was hopping from one foot to the other announcing over and over, "Come on Brah we're going to be late."

Trav got dressed languidly and threw on a pair of jeans and a short sleeve shirt, then thought better of it, and threw on a long sleeve instead. All the while Kyle was doing his annoying little dance.

He grabbed a hoody from a hook on the back of the door on the way out of their room and his backpack off the hook by the door. When he turned around to get his shoes out of the closet Kyle already had them in his hands as he repeated his mantra to hurry up.

Travis put them on and they walked at a fast trot to the bus stop arriving just in time for the 8:11 bus across town. It usually take 30 minutes to travel by bus from Presidio Heights to Outer Richmond depending on traffic, fortunately that gave Trav some extra time to sleep, which he gladly took advantage of.

Kyle had to wake him up again when they were getting close to the school. When they got off the bus Kyle started looking at him funny and asked, "You feeling alright bro. I mean I'm usually the one doing all the sleeping?"

"Yeah I'm just a little tired," he replied as they trudged off to the front door of the school.

They got there just in time for the last bell and rushed into class before Knight could mark them late. The dude seriously hovered over the late slips with glee in the morning. He passed them out like candy, and he was not sorry to disappoint the stern teacher today.

The Haven High Book Series (Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now