Chapter 25

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Zach stood confidently in front of them at the foot of the stairs, and cleared his throat to address them while they all huddled in. Megan kept shooting a glance to the empty street and side walk right beside them. Lauren had laid down an aversion spell that would drive any humans away, but that didn't mean magical creatures wouldn't see right through it, and come to see what the fuss was about.

"Look Guys, Zach began counting off what he knew on his fingers, "not much is known about death worms aside from: they are supposed to be able to shoot their venom at you that melts metal, they might have the ability to use electricity against you, and if you touch them prepare for an excruciating death, is that right." Zach looked to Xander.

"Yeah, or at least that's what the rumors say," Xander confirmed.

"Well," Connor said lifting his gloved hands up and showing them to everyone, "I've got the touching thing covered, but what about the venom and electricity thing?"

Lauren stepped forward to add, "My shield spells are getting pretty good. I can handle the venom part, but that still leaves the electrocution issue, which if you don't mind me saying is a pretty big issue." Lauren couldn't hide the wince from showing on her face.

When Ray came forward Megan was reminded who his father was.

"Hey guys my good old dad as you probably know is a good old thunder God, and well to make a long story short," he smirked as he said it." I've just recently learned that I've managed to pick up one of his talent."

"I'm a natural ground as long as I'm touching the floor the current won't bother you, but I can't do it forever, so whatever you're going to do, make it quick," he cautioned.

Megan looked around to see that everyone was starting to look a little more confident about confronting a creature called a death worm and avoiding the death part, but a tight shiver still ran up her spine. So much rode on accomplishing their mission successfully. It could mean the difference between life and death for Cameron, and her nerves were worn to a frazzle.

"I have one more thing that might be helpful," Lauren said nervously, "I've been working on a spell that would combine my anti-eavesdrop spell with Zach's telepathy, and I think I've got it."

Lauren came up to Zach and touched him with a glowing finger on the forehead, muttering an incantation while she did it. A blue glow came shooting out from a magic pinhole in his skin. Lauren took the blue glow and started to twirl it like a thread around her index finger and she began to pull the strand to attach it to everyone else's mind through the area on the forehead called the third eye.

When she came up to Megan she could feel the power emanating from the glowing string before she even touched her, but when she touched her forehead Megan nearly rocked back on her heels with a rush of Zach's power, and when Lauren touched her own head the magical web was complete.

Can everyone hear me?

Lauren said without moving her lips. They all nodded their heads excitedly and thought:


Okay let's go, Zach thought as he turned to ascend the stairs. But as soon as his body attempted to pass the strange jade statues he was thrown back into the bushes like he had been fired out of a cannon.

And no sooner than Zach could bounce back from his embarrassing tumble a green glow shot up from the sides of the building and encompassed the four floors before ending in a doom on the roof.

"Great it's warded," Megan whined, "now what?" She looked around the group for another brilliant idea.

Everyone looked stumped, but suddenly the statues came to life and complained at them in an aggravated Asian sounding language.

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