Chapter 21

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This chapter is dedicated to you. You are the best friend a girl could have on  here. 

You are the best! She worked tirelessly to make this book trailer for Enlightened and it turned out phenomenally. I think she really captured the essence of the first book in the Haven High series. I can never thank her enough for that. GIRL you ROCK!

This is just a short upload lots of crazy sh*t is happening in my life right now, so I hope you will forgive the short chapter. I might change my mind and up another one tomorrow if I'm not as exhausted after a good night sleep. *Hugs*


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Zach threw all his weight at the heavy wooden door, and nearly ripped the handle off in his haste. When the solid barrier swung wide he was shocked to find Adrik Alexeev, the Transmogrification teacher, sitting cross-legged on his monstrous desk, his feet and hairy chest bare. He was thrusting his arms in the air like he was conducting a symphony, and when Zach turned he could see his intended instruments.

All the desks had been pushed against the wall and it would seem nearly every animal in the animal kingdom was represented, including some that were not. There were even a few mystical beings there as well.

It was bedlam in the cramped space, but thankfully the various shifters weren't preparing to rip each other throats out as he had thought. They weren't snarling or roaring in anger, they were howling and baying at the ceiling like a bunch of lunatics.

As the cacophony soared ever higher, Adrik called in his thick Russian accent over the din, "Da! Very good, my children don't be afraid to let your animal out. This is a safe environment."

Yeah right Zach thought, for who?

Then he remembered Lauren and searched the room frantically for her, but to his relief she wasn't there. Just as he thought GREAT now how was he going to find his way around on his own, a black panther chose that moment to spring off one of the desks and lunge at him from across the room.

Suddenly it was as if time stood still and several things happened at once. Zach heart started to beat an impossible staccato in his chest as he threw his hands out to ward off the beast, and he prepared to scream his friggin' head off.

A quick look over his shoulder confirmed that the teacher wasn't fussed about saving him, and when he only chuckled at Zach's terrified expression, Zach had to second guess his opinion about the friendly teacher.

Would the Slavic Nature Fae really let a werepanther have him for second lunch?

Oh shit he thought where was Lauren when he needed her? She'd definitely know what to do.

Zach's knees gave out when the panther started its downward arc toward his head. Apparently Zach's fight or flight response had been replaces with a scream in the highest pitch you can possibly manage response, because that's all he did. He stood glued to the spot and screamed like a prepubescent girl.

Jamie Lee Curtis couldn't have done a better job. If the Panther didn't kill him outright he could look forward to a promising career in the horror film industry. It would be convenient after all, after the feline tore him limb from limb, they probably wouldn't even need any CGI or monster makeup to make him look hideous.

Zach went to throw his arm over his head to protect his cranium from the onslaught of the panther, when suddenly the animal flew into a million pieces and turned into thousands of tiny fury black moths that began to swirl around his head. The insectoid swarm swirled in a funnel shape like a mini tornado beside him for a minute before taking on Lauren's form.

It wasn't actually Lauren though. It was a moth cloud in her shape. When her eyes appeared in the approximate location they could usually be found and perfect pearly white teeth showed up and lit up her face in a wild grin. He knew it had to be her. No one but Lauren would take that much pleasure in making someone nearly piss themselves.

Seriously the girl needs help.

When her laugh broke from the cloud, the wings of the moths split and started cascading to the floor. Halfway down wings turned to dust, then into infinitesimal specks of light, before disappearing as they hit the floor at her feet. It reminded him of the sparklers his dads got him as a kid for their Fourth of July picnics.

When the weird light-show was over, Lauren stood before him laughing her ass off, while he clutched his barely beating heart in a hand that had seized in terror.

From behind Zach, the teacher bellowed with laughter. He was rolling on his desk and in between great big heaving snorts and guffaws he bellowed, "N-e-v-e-r in my million . . . y-e-a-r-s have I ever . . . h-e-a-r-d a sound like that, and . . . and . . .and I s-h-a-l-l never forget it . . .EVER."

Apparently, Leshy cannot only physically imitate nature perfectly, but they can mimic the sounds in nature as well, including a teenage boy.

In between laughing hysterically the burley teacher was now doing a mighty fine impression of a terrified Zach right down to the high pitched scream.

Zach gave a sheepish Lauren 'a just you wait look' as the whole class erupted. 

********************THANKS FOR READING***************

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I want to start recommending great books that I've found that haven't got a lot of reads yet and truly deserve it. So here it goes:

The Dragon Princess By dahfne22

Renosent by FluffyPawz0077

Blackwood Academy for the Supernaturally Gifted by _Pestilence_

Beguiled by ms_iceberg

The Hand that Feeds You by MarkTaverna

Fish out of Water; Girl off of Land by Royal_Princess_Ella

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