Chapter 19

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Author's Note:

This chapter is dedicated to one of my most avid readers . I have watched her binge read and vote for every chapter and I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. It's readers like you that make the long hours writing worthwhile. <3

And Happy Turkey Day to all my fellow Canadians. I hope you have friends and family to share it with and that you stuff yourself full of sides, you laugh more than you've laughed in ages, and that you take the time to be thankful for the people that are in your life. I know as writers we can lean towards being reclusive, but just remember these people are the ones that helped shape you into the crazy person you are, and at the very least they have provided the catalyst for your crazy characters. JK (ok not really) LOL 


After training the kids all met up at Lauren's. Cam 2.0 met them at the door dressed in his boxers and nothing else. When he tried to hug Megan, Cam 1.0 complained nosily and dragged him away to give him a shower and get him FULLY dressed for the day.

Everyone burst out laughing when they heard Cam's discussion with his look alike as they ascended the stairs," So let me explain why you don't hug your double's girlfriend in your skivvies."

Lauren called out, "And we need to talk about other arrangements! Last night he crawled into bed with me during the thunder and lightning storm, I had to let him stay, or I wouldn't have gotten any sleep"

When he heard this Zach's eyebrows shot straight up and nearly touched his hairline in shock. He kept looking back and forth between Lauren and the Cam doll's departing back, looking like he was going to say something, but then thinking better of it.

Megan nearly choked on her latte when Quinn said, "Can I sleep over tonight? I hear we're in for some more inclement weather," and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Then when he went to sit by Lauren, Zach nearly knocked over the lamp on the coffee table in his rush to take his place. Megan just shook her head and wondered: when were these guys ever going to get it together?

When Cam returned with a cleaner more presentable double; they all sat down to discuss what Delphi said, and when Megan was done relaying her story, you could have heard a pin drop in the room.

They sat around in their usual spots, except for Donnie he had kept his human form for once so he could hear what happened too, but Megan would bet her last dollar he wished he hadn't. It wasn't good news for any of them.

It was nerve racking being the one to do all the talking -- what with everyone looking to her for answers she didn't have. The next question asked was the one she was dreading.

"So where is it, exactly?" Zach asked.

"In the magical Library at school," she answered matter-of-factly.

"Yeah you said that already, but where in the library; it could be anywhere? It's a big place." Lauren concluded.

Megan shrugged her shoulders and winced deciding to come clean, "I didn't ask."

Zach narrowed his eyes at her making her fidget in her chair.

"Why not?" Quinn asked while giving her a hard stare.

"Look guys we're already in so deep." Megan ran her sweaty palms across her jeans, "I just think it's not in our best interest to know exactly where it is."

"Babe," Cam jumped in to the discussion from his seat on the floor at her feet, "How the heck are we supposed to protect something when we don't know where it is?'

The Haven High Book Series (Wattys2017)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang