Chapter 29

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Kyle woke the next morning having only slept in spits and spurts through the night. He hadn't even gotten home until nearly five am. They'd spent the entire night digging through the dusty school Library trying to find every piece of information they could on time travel.

The teachers had helped them come up with an air tight plan but the only missing ingredient was a method to travel back to medieval times, and he didn't mean the dinner theater.

After Steinman explained that the Mystic Library didn't actual just pop up anywhere it only appeared on the cross points on the ley lines. Knight recalled an ancient tale that spoke of the creation of Stonehenge, and Merlin's manipulation of it in the time of Uther Pendragon his Liege's Lord's predecessor. It was whispered that Merlin had the giants erect stones on the sight as a means of calling the library to him.

Apparently Merlin valued knowledge above even magic.

Stonehenge in Whiltshire England near the town of Salibury was built in the bronze age by the giants of that era to mark the ley lines that originated there. When Merlin learned of this he had the blue stones of Ireland moved there.

These special stones formed from molten rock took on a specific harmonic resonance. When placed inside the lintels of the structure and struck. They vibrated along the ley lines like the vibrations of a fly in a web drawing the library to that spot on the plains on top of the mound.

The current henge because of erosion and degradation of the outer stones no longer works to call the library, but if they could go back to 500 AD in the time of Merlin they could call the library at will. The only problem is that time spells are very tricky they would have to perform it on sight.

Plus they hadn't found one yet that did not require a tenth level wizard. Clio and most of the teachers had searched with them and although they read about many magical time travel devices they didn't have enough time to track their current locations down.

They called it quits when the sun was coming up and at least half of the researchers had fallen asleep in the stacks. Lauren was good enough to teleport him home and she promised to look out for Travis at her place. That way if something came up she could port him at a moments notice. When he finally got back to his house Lucky was whining at their closed bedroom door. He had to wonder if he sensed the first human that had ever been kind to him was in trouble.

Before his head could hit the pillow however he heard his parent's alarm clock. He had lucked out and arrived just before they got up.

He greeted them in the kitchen with a freshly brewed pot of coffee. Where he informed them that Travis had decided to stay at a friend's for the night. They were surprised to learn that Travis was staying at a friend's without having called them first but they bought Kyle's story that he'd asked him after he was sure they were asleep and he didn't want to wake them. Bruno had given him a questioning look at that statement, but Kyle stuck to the story.

When Kyle mentioned that he had to head out for extra practice with the kids at the club. His parents took him at his word and set out to their community project of the week.

And Kyle crashed hard but couldn't stay asleep to save his life, he kept startling himself awake thinking that he was missing something and he was, his brother. When he did he'd look over mournfully to his brother's empty bed and punch his pillow in frustration to roll over and try again, but finally it was nearly noon and Lauren said she'd come and pick him up then. So he dragged his sorry ass out of bed to grab a quick shower. His stomach rumbled madly, but just the thought of food made him want to hurl.

How could he eat at a time like this, how could he sleep, the clock was ticking and time was running out? When he thought what his brother might look like today he nearly cried. Last night as they'd worked the stone had crept up his arm almost to his shoulders.

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