Chapter 3

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Cam woke the next morning to do it all over again. Meg picked him up again but this time the top was up and the rain was back. They arrived just in time for the first class. They all got their mark from Knight. His was an A+ as expected. Meg had an acceptable A she was no slouch in the brains department. She hated chem though, but that didn't mean she wasn't determined to do her best.

A lot of the halfblood Enlightened took a pass on the human classes. What's the point really when instead of working on studying for the SATs to have the highest score so you could get accepted to some of the best colleges, they would be conscribed into a magical guard where they would serve a five year term or sentence depending on who you asked.

Most of the kids just paid attention so they could squeak by with a pass in English, Math, or Science -- all the human courses really. Others who were determined to go to university as a mature student when they were released from service felt differently, but they were far and few between.

Even their magical teachers paid little attention to the human subjects. How import is the Pythagorean theorem in the magical world when all wielders need to do is wave their hand to bring something into being. They all knew the Boston Tea party was never about tea, taxation, or proper representation. Samuel Adams wasn't even human and the stuff in the chests wasn't even tea.

So aside from chemistry, Cam zoned out for his remaining morning classes. He got an English paper back on Great Expectation and it was an acceptable C+ as long as he stayed above that his parents never gave him a hard time.

He finished off his morning with Trig and joined the gang in the cafeteria. It was a two coffee day for sure. He grabbed a mug for now and one for later he'd put it in his locker in the magical wing to have after last class. He was not missing out on his fix again before training. So what if it's cold he thought: it's still caffeinated.

The special of the day was hamburger surprise, emphasis on the surprise. He took a pass and grabbed the chicken nuggets and fries instead.

Joining the guys at the table he found it was more sedate than usual and had to wonder who put their foot in it this time. Turns out Kelly and Xan were fighting, or Kelly was fighting, Xan looked like he couldn't give a shit. Yup this had been coming for a long time.

They could all tell Kelly was a lot more invested in their hook-ups becoming something more serious, Xander had other plans. Everyone else was just hoping they'd work it out soon because it was as awkward AF -- Just as awkward as Lauren and Zach's drama last year.

He wondered if Zach had gotten around to asking Lauren to the Imbolc Ball coming up next weekend or if she was officially still in the friend zone. Any idiot could see they were perfect for each other. Zach better get it together before she moved on, because Quinn was waiting in the wings like an overeager understudy.

Cam ate his nuggets and joked with Meg quietly while she polished off the surprise. And surprise, when she'd fed him a spoonful, he hadn't hated it, maybe he'd have it next time.

The bell rang and Cam stood up and waited for Meg to pick up her tray and try to balance it while trying to maneuver on her crutches, but God forbid he help her. He'd tried once and nearly got his head bitten off. Meg hates it when people jump in to do things for her, because they think she can't do them for herself. Even when she's obviously struggling, you have to stand back and wait.

Even if she fell flat on her face if someone tried to help her up she would be more likely to jab them with her crutch than accept a helping hand. He loved that about her, but sometimes he wished she would let him help. Just when she's really struggling, but she sees it as a form of weakness.

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