Chapter 19

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Next class after that was Magical History with Miss Long the honest to God Chinese dragon. Not a dragon shifter like Ray, but the real deal. That class was always interesting. Long used her magic to show them the actual events in miniature. It was like having a perpetual substitute showing you movies every day. You'd be surprised how much you can remember when you see it firsthand.

When he walked into the warehouse size classroom he was surprised to see Miss Long in her human form standing near a box of yellow rain ponchos and industrial face visors like doctors wear when they think their patient might have bubonic plague or something. There were even rubber boots of every size and description scattered all over the floor.

Zach hoped they had them in his size 13 foot or he was going to be out of luck.

Everyone rushed to get dressed, talking excitedly among themselves, and Kyle nearly died laughing when Quinn ended up with the pink flowered boots as the only pair left that fit him, but Quinn being Quinn sported them with style, and just used them to make Lauren laugh.

Zach tried not to think that that was his job. He was so NOT going to turn in to a jealous mouth breathing troglodytes. Hell no! Instead he chose to chuckle along halfheartedly.

Miss Long called out to her excited students," Ladies and gentlemen, we will be visiting the Battle of Hastings today." She gave them all a hard stare before continuing, "And I know I don't have to remind you all to stay within my protection spell."

Zach looked at Lauren in slack jawed disbelief. She couldn't possible mean they would be going there in person? Wouldn't that like disrupt the time space continuum or something? You didn't have to be a Trekker to see that a bunch of high schoolers in bright yellow smocks would be a little conspicuous, but she confirmed his fear when she said:

"Now we won't be visible, but our physical forms will be present; so do your best to stay out of the fray. Do I make myself clear?"

Everyone nodded silently.

"I can't hear you. Do I make myself clear?"

Everyone spoke up in a chorus of 'yeahs, yeses, and whole lot of you betcha yas.'

Miss Long seemed satisfied at the response, but still they remained where they were, which gave Zach time to wonder how they would travel to the past.

Miss longs beautiful features softened, her dark brown eyes sparkled with excitement, a flush formed on her porcelain cheeks, and her tiny frame began to vibrate. It was at this time that her silken hair rose from her shoulders where it rested like strips of ebony ribbons and began to float in mid air.

It wasn't blown off her shoulders by a gust of wind. No it had risen off her shoulders with the energy she was exuding. He could feel it emanating from her in waves -- each one more powerful than the last.

Zach let out a low whistle. She'd used nothing to active her spell, no incantations or spells, no symbols, not even a wand or a staff, just her all encompassing power.

That in of itself was the scariest thing he'd encountered so far.

O . . . K . . . he reminded himself -- as the wall across the room went from being an understandably opaque object to completely translucent -- never get on the wrong side of your magical history teacher.

Through the wall he watched a giant war horse trotting by pulling something that look like an ancient medieval torture device on an old wooden cart, but in the end he thought it was more likely a siege weapon of some sort.

Soldiers marched by the scene wearing weird helmets that peaked in the front to cover their noses, but had two arches on the sides to allow them full range of vision, carrying long pikes in their hands. Instead of being Knights in shining armor like he'd expected. The soldiers were dressed in heavy leathers with lots of buckles and straps.

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