Chapter 10

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After training Donnie and Kelly caught up with the gang to tell them about the attack at the Amazon River Basin. There were more than a few shocked faces at the news, but everyone agreed it was too dangerous to meet at Lauren's as they had planned, at least not until they had some safeguards in place.

The question on everyone's lips however had been:

How did the Caits know where he was?

Once everyone was showered and changed Kelly strolled with Donnie down the hall toward the school library, but on the way he kept shooting furtive glances her way which made her wonder what he could possibly be thinking.

When they finally reached the ancient wooden door he rushed to open it for her, and as the door swung wide she found herself once again marveling at the wonder of their world.

Haven High's school library was a thing to behold, a real ancient wonder of the world, and the once and true library of Alexandria. A wizard of extraordinary power had anchored it to the school with a time spell of tremendous magnitude over a century ago. And even though the real library was burnt to the group before the birth of the baby Jesus, the time reminisce allowed its previous construct to be tethered to the school where it will remain until the end of time.

In the training gym the kids had decided to convene in the school library. They all had to agree Donnie was safest here in the school, and it couldn't hurt to see if they could find some answers in the stacks. Luckily for them it was the first day back so the place was pretty much deserted. Clio wasn't even among the thousands of books, where she normally could be found, but Lauren cast her anti-eavesdropping spell in any case.

After what happened last spring if they were caught meddling again in council affairs they all knew what the consequences would be, Tuma had spelled it out to them pretty clearly. Not one of them was willing to pay that price. Well she guessed maybe a few of them wondered once and awhile what it would be like not to have their powers any more, (namely poor Connor the Gean Canach whose touch was a death sentence) but no one was willing -- just yet -- to openly defy the council. Someday perhaps -- but that day wasn't today.

When she and Donnie walked in everyone was already there waiting for them and it looked to her like Brenna and Lauren had already gotten to work on defensive spells to ensure the feline freaks didn't get their paws on their friend.

They were huddled together going over notes and even had some scrolls unraveled in front of them. Everyone else was lounging around the table quietly. Kelly speculated that they were probably too tired from their brutal training session to do much else. She knew she was feeling it. She'd been face planted into the mat more times than she could count. Which trust her wasn't the norm.

Again Xander choose the furthest seat from her proving that there was no distance far enough. Which really stung. No matter how much she wanted to believe it was no skin off her nose, it still hurt to know that seemingly overnight he'd ceased having any feelings for her. And again, she had to wonder what had gone wrong?

When she dragged her eyes away from Xan – of course she had been staring – she found herself inexplicably curious to see where Donnie was looking, and she was pleasantly surprised to find him looking straight at her. When their eyes locked he gave her a tentative smile, but she promptly looked away. There was no need to encourage the delusional boy.

Lauren was the first to speak, apparently her and Brenna had finally come up with a game plan," Guys we think we've found a few solutions, but with more questions than answers we can't be one hundred percent certain that they will work."

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