Chapter 19

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Meet Lucky the newest member of the gang.

Kyle watched in horror as Trav's stone cracked into small pieces. No one had showed up yet; so he dove for his brother to try and hold his shattered form together. Kyle roared with rage at his own stupidity. He grabbed a hold of his brother trying to keep him together long enough for help to arrive.

But anywhere he touched crumbled to the floor. He was frantic, but he had to back away. If he kept trying to save him he'd be the one to kill him. So he backed right up to the wall and threw his hands up for good measure.

A Medmage finally came running, but stopped in mid stride when he saw what was happening and turned around to sound the magical equivalent of a code blue. Kyle begged them to save him as the room filled with mages who frankly looked like they had no clue what to do.

All of a sudden Travis' body started to vibrate and the cracks started to glow a bright green and a loud whining noise started.  It was deafening. It got louder and louder before everyone got with the program and hit the dirt. It was just in time too, because the stone exploded sending small shards flying in every direction.

Kyle covered his head and eyes while tears course down his face. He was screaming and crying hysterically when he heard the first exclamation from the medical staff. They sounded like they were pleasantly surprised; so Kyle lifted his head to check out what everyone seemed to be celebrating. When he looked up to see that Travis was sitting up in bed looking as fresh as a daisy, he nearly fainted with relief.

He cried out, "Travis," and lunged into his arms like a effin' baby and cried like a girl. Not to sound misogynistic or anything. He all out wept like a little baby. And he wouldn't apologize for it.

Travis just laughed and patted him on his back to try and comfort him and wasn't that just like his brother to worry about someone else when he's just come back from the dead.

As soon as Kyle stopped with the water works, he texted his friends:

Guys you better double up on the Mcee Dees. Someone just woke up! K. A.

That's great! Be right there! L. N.

Less than five seconds later a port door opened up on the far wall and Lauren and Zach stepped through. Apparently they were with each other already.

A chorus of 'Lauren can you pick me up came through from the rest of the gang and Lauren obliged them all. Soon everyone was standing around his brother's bed.

And piled on top of it was an assortment of junk food. Cheetos and Doritos, hamburgers and fries, candy and chocolate bars. It was a veritable feast. When Donnie came through carrying a meat lover's pizza with extra cheese – which was coincidentally Trav's favorite -- Kyle teared up again. He had the best friends money couldn't buy, and from now on and for the rest of his life he'd make sure he never forgot it.

They hung out in Trav's room for the rest of the day much to the dismay of the medical staff but they refused to be budged so they'd have to deal. Everyone ate especially Travis and Kyle. Travis because he hadn't eaten in weeks and Kyle because all he'd eaten was hospital food and the quantity and quality of that was seriously lacking.

Everyone took it in turns to update Travis on all that had happened including their stay in the cells at the guard's headquarters. He laughingly said he wasn't sorry he'd missed that.

The med mages came in every once and a while to check his vitals and where shocked to find him fully recovered. And he was, you could tell the guy looked like a shiny new penny. Like he'd just shed a stone skin to the new and improved Travis underneath.

The Haven High Book Series (Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now