Chapter 14

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Meg picked him up at her usual time. She pulled into his driveway with her sleek little bug as he noted the top was down. It was unseasonably warm and sunny today, but the crisp clear February day bellied his feelings. There was a storm brewing inside him that no sunny day could dissipate.

He greeted Meg with a forced smile and said, "Hey Babe," and kissed her soundly on the mouth.

When she pulled away her eyes searched his face for a moment before she asked, "Is everything okay?"

"Are you kidding? I fell asleep yesterday evening and never woke up again until this morning. I've just had the best sleep I've had in years." He forced a cheery tone.

"You didn't go for your nightly swim?" her eyes narrowed in suspicion. And a frown formed between her beautiful brows.

He smoothed it out with his finger and ran his hand over the silky smooth contours of her face. He wanted to tell her, but he didn't know how, SO he didn't.

"Hey we'd better get going we're going to be late." He hoped a change in subject would work, but he should have known better.

"Cam we're committed to each other, and that means sharing everything with each other. Is there something you're not telling me, final chance to come clean? "She said in a sing song voice half jokingly, but only half.

"Babe I'm fine. Sheesh suspicious much?" He wanted to wince and cock his shoulders at his tone. It sounded false and defensive even to his ears.

Meg sighed audibly, "I trust you Cam, so I'm going to let you tell me when you're ready, but don't mistake my kindness for weakness." She turned then, eyes facing front, and slowly backed out of the driveway.

Cam couldn't help, but gulp, she'd left her statement at that. No veiled threats or ultimatums just a statement of fact: if he took her for granted then he could just fill in the blanks. A tight shiver ran up his spine.

His girlfriend could be scary AF, without even trying, and wasn't that so damn . . . hot.


Cameron stood in a long line of students waiting to load up their trays with the Friday lunch special. It was his favorite cafeteria day. He had a choice of pizza or wings and he was ravenous, so he thought he might just load up on both. He'd need the extra energy to pull an all nighter tonight.

He wished he hadn't thought of that though, because whenever he thought of his predicament his stomach did a queasy little flip flop. He had to think of something else before he lost his appetite.

Yeah think of the freshly brewed cup of coffee you're craving that should help.

And it did, he finally got close enough to pick up the thick blue plastic monstrosity of a tray. Its surface was scratched and dented there were even a few initials carved in it. He was wondering how old it was when he heard the couple in front of him start up a conversation.

"Hey did you hear?" the male Nix asked his companion as he leaned in conspiratorially.

Cam chuckled to himself thinking wow these guys were really out of the loop if they were just finding out about the changelings now.

"No, what? The female Kobold asked eagerly.

"I hear there's a creature in San Francisco that's turning halfbloods into fullbloods." He said surreptitiously.

Cam nearly dropped his tray he'd been balancing on his forearm for entertainment.

"What did you say? He leaned in suddenly not caring that he had startled them both.

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