Chapter 9

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Travis watched the sun come up over their tiny backyard. There was no sign of the creeper from last night and his magical radar was quiet too. He let Kyle sleep until quarter to eight, he wanted to let him sleep longer, knowing he'd be tired, but they had to catch the bus at ten after eight or they'd be late.

There was no reason to stay home Bruno and Bo were already gone. He'd had breakfast with them before they left. He'd filled up on fruit salad and bananas because there'd be no time to stop at the seven eleven for a breakfast burrito like they normally did.

When Kyle opened his eyes Trav was dangling a bunch of bananas at him which was his way of saying dude we're late and there's no time. Kyle groaned and got with the vertical pretty fast. He was dressed and washed up in ten minutes. The dude was seriously on a mission.

They walked to the bus stop in silence there was no need to talk about what happened last night, besides without Lauren they couldn't guarantee not being over heard. It was a miracle they got there in time though, the bus had passed them even before they got to the stop which made them have to run waving their arms and yelling 'heeeeeyyyyy' like freaks.

But they made it and Travis legs had protested the whole time. Kyle was out of breath when he got on the bus but Trav noticed he wasn't even winded. He had to chuckle to himself and admit he was getting in peak physical shape. Who knows if that thing showed up again he could probably out run it.

When they took their seat it looked like Kyle didn't know whether to go back to sleep or eat but he guessed he was more tired than hungry because he nodded off right away. Travis was tired too but he forced himself to stay awake. He didn't want a repeat of yesterdays missed stop incident. No way was he exercising any more than he needed too.

When he thought of running again this afternoon he groaned. How long did she intend to keep this up? He knew he could out stubborn the woman but it would help if he had an end date on the horizon -- something to work towards. She couldn't possible keep this up forever. Could she?

Travis took the bushel of bananas out of Kyle's backpack and peeled one. He began to munch on it. It would leave only five for Kyle, but he was sure he'd understand that he needed the extra calories for his stupid run today. He put the rest back and zipped up his bag quietly careful not to wake him.

By the time they made it to their stop Trav's eyes were threatening to close. There's something about being in a bus that lulls you to sleep. It must be the gentle rocking and the quiet. No one really talks on a bus except those idiot people that seem to hold one sided conversations in their Bluetooths. You gotta hate those super self involved people. Could they really not tell they're as annoying AF?

Travis pulled the cord to stop the bus and gave Kyle a hard shake. He woke up right away and they got off in record time. They were at the school in a few minutes which gave Kyle a few minutes to eat before their first class. He sat down on the front steps to enjoy his simple breakfast. So Trav sat with him. The day was turning out to be a beautiful day for mid March. There was no sign of rain and it felt like the temperature was already in the mid 60's. Yeah it was a hell of a day to be alive Travis thought as he sucked in a deep breath and waited for his friends. They'd have no time to talk until lunch but if he could find the time to tell them before lunch they might have time to think of solutions as well.

When Tuma called to them, "Mr. Stone, Mr. Audney do you intended to impede everyone's progress up the stairs?"

He and Kyle looked up and quickly apologized when they realized that Travis' extreme girth was forcing all the students to pass them in single file.

The Haven High Book Series (Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now