Chapter 53

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The red haired Xaphan demon jumped through the flames and right at her heels the four others came through with her. The kids had remained together the entire night close to the Royals. Rightfully postulating that if anything were to happen it would happen nearest the targets of the night, and they were right.

It turned out that they were close enough to react when the Ice Elemental pounded his fist on the floor and lifted his other to the ceiling, while all along the floor formed a thick coat of ice. Thicker than any Arctic channel in existence. An ice enclsoure began to grow up from the floor to the ceiling essentially cutting off most of the guards, teachers, and Fae guests. Not that Lauren thought the Fae would get involved they were only here for the show.

And she was right.

Only a handful of guards made it through before the thick ice wall closed over completely. It was minutes away from the end of the night and the council's elite guard had pardon the pun let their guard down, but not the kids. After all Xander had said 'rumor has it' and that really meant 'I know for sure that it will be a reality'.

Still not everyone made it through before it closed.

Quinn had grabbed her and leapt through at the very last minute.

They landed rather inelegantly on the other side as the ice wall closed over. She took a quick look around to see who else had made it through.

She could see that Kyle and Trav had not made it, but that didn't stop Trav from using his stone fists to try and crack the ice, unfortunately it was too thick, and he was barely making a dent. Every time he formed a crack it would close over. As long as Ice guy was standing no one was making it through that wall.

First order of business make sure Ice guy wasn't standing.

The Dark elves tried to defend themselves, but were powerless to the pact they had made. They could not cast for love or money and everyone in attendance knew it.

They could mutter til the cows came home, but as long as their hands were tied there was nothing they could do.

Zach had made it through and was standing in front of the Royals fending off the ice shards that were now flying their way.

He had really gotten good over the last month and he was deflecting them with his sword faster than Whitey could conjure then and throw them in their direction.

Ray was keeping Red busy again but still in the tight space things were really heating up. She hoped he put her down soon, or they were all going to be baked alive.

The jackal was already in the fight of his life against Quinn, apparently Quinn had had his wheaties this morning and he wasn't getting past him.

Kelly and Donnie were fighting side by side like a well oiled machine. They had practiced their drills together for the last month and together they were an unstoppable force to be reckoned with. The little Asian girl didn't stand a chance. Until she started shifting surprisingly from a bat, hawk, eagle, boar, giant cat and dog. The constant changing made her an even harder target to hit while Kelly threw her daggers and Donnie thrust his expertly. They soared through the air just missing her time and again.

Then Lauren finally realized what magical creature she was. She was an Aswang. A shapeshifting, succubae, witch from the Philippines. They were creatures of incredible power that few could hope to defeat, but Lauren just had to have faith, they were some of the lucky few.

That left her, Marley, Connor Ryan, CJ, as the last possible combatants, all the others hadn't made it through.

Marley was taking her brother on head to head and even she was no match for his Fae speed and strength. She had a right hook that should have landed given the time it had taken to execute it, but it would miss every time. Lauren was dizzy just trying to follow who was trying to punch or kick whom. Marley was just barely escaping his blows. Lauren could see that her brother had dispensed of his human glamour all together – no doubt to allow him the extra power he needed for the fight. She considered doing the same, but no one had ever seen her in her Fae form and that was the way she wanted to keep it.

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