Chapter 16

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Quinn morphed into a coyote in mid leap and tore up the parking lot in his haste, Donnie took on his cat form too knowing he could run faster that way, and those who think that a house cat can't be dangerous, have obviously never gone up against one. He knew from firsthand experience -- from working at the shelter -- they could be downright deadly if cornered. Ray shifted as well into a dragon and started flying just above the useless parking lights. Ryan the powerful Jinn kept turning into smoke and drifting with the high winds, but he wasn't able to keep that form for more than 30 seconds. It was enough however to have him waiting for them at the front entrance.

Megan seeing him already there called her Sea horse Midnight with a loud whistle and he met her half way to the school. She vaulted on to his back without missing a stride. She had her crossbow up and ready to fire before they even breached the lot. As she galloped past Cameron she reached her arm out and, grabbing a hold of him, swung him up on the back of her massive stead. Brenna was using her Shaman magic to leap in long bounds using her magical staff like a pogo stick. She'd leap and before she could land she'd strike the ground with her staff and go flying again. Marley grabbed Olivia too and threw her on her back before speeding ahead of them all . . . almost -- no one was a fast as Lauren when she used her Fae speed.

Not having any speed or supernatural animals can suck sometimes. He and Kyle made up the rear of their quickly advancing army of misfits with Xander, Kelly, CJ and Connor in front of them. Even though Zach led their rear vanguard, he was probably going nuts over the fact that he wasn't in front of them all, his first instinct was always to protect them, but without his wings he was no faster than anyone else. Too bad he couldn't call them out at will. So far he had only been able to summon them when someone's death was imminent.

He and Kyle were the last to make it to the front door, like he mentioned earlier Mountain Trolls aren't built for running: climbing, punching through solid rock, turning to stone, and even lifting incredibly heavy things sure, but not moving fast.

Zach, just gave them the silent signal to advance on the front door, when out of nowhere, one of the council guards came crashing though it; quickly followed by a gargantuan human cloaked in a bear skin and wearing a boar's head helmet. The out of control fighter was hyper ventilating, foaming at the mouth, and howling like an animal. He was dual wielding a spiked club and an axe. Lauren went to rush to the guard's aid but Zach stopped her.

Their fight wasn't with the berserkers. In their frenzied fit of rage they would be a terrible foe. If they didn't engage them they might just slip their notice until they got to the library where they could do the most good.

The Berserkers were aptly named; the ancient Norse warriors were created centuries ago using powerful hunting magic. By cloaking themselves in the skin of the animal they killed they were imbued with their strength, fierceness and speed, but when an ancient druid infused the harmless magic with a powerful blood curse, they were transformed into an unstoppable force. Now whoever controlled the hoard could guarantee victory over their foes. Once the horde is unleashed they will never stop until every one of their enemies is slain. Lord knows how Liam managed to get control of them.

The kids snuck past the frenzied fighter, but only because, he only had eyes for one thing: the still breathing council guard at the foot of the stairs.

Megan did not dismount to enter the school instead she threw here crutches in a holster she had made for them that rested on her back and her massive steed cleared the steps in one leap.

The rest of the gang followed her in. Luckily for Megan the school was over a century old and low ceilings were not apart of the original design. Mermaid and Kelpie could move freely through the rampage that was happening in their hallowed halls. That was the only word suitable for what he was seeing. The berserkers were going head to head with the council guards. The guards were fighting for their very lives, but Liam and his psycho gang were nowhere to be seen which could mean only one thing; they were already at the barrier to the magical wing.

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