Chapter 39

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Author's Note: 

Hi guys I just had to stop and take a moment to say something we writers rarely say. This is my favorite piece of writing I think I have ever done, and I think it's important that we acknowledge these moments because that is why we do what we do, and we should never be afraid to celebrate it when it all seems to come together. I hope you like it as much. If you do please comment at your favorite parts. You guys are the best. 


Inside Ray's quaint little home she could hear a man with a thunderous voice bellowing in what she guessed was Japanese, but before should could ask about it, the lights on the poles started exploding up and down the street. When the porch light above their heads exploded all three of them took off like a shot towards the adjacent park with Ray at their heels. They only stopped when they found a convenient cluster of trees to hide behind. Lauren's eyes were darting this way and that trying to discern the threat. Her heart was hammering in her chest when she turned to Ray and said:

"What the Holy Hell was that!"

"Sorry guys," Ray winced saying apologetically.

"I told Dad this morning that you were coming to ask him about the council. I thought it would be better if I told him at breakfast, my mistake. He had a conniption fit."

"Okaaay, why?" Lauren asked incredulously.

"I don't know. All I know is when the God of Thunder gets angry then shit happens."

"But why is he mad?" Quinn asked.

"Apparently, in not discussing it with him first before telling you guys you could come over I've made it so that he can't not talk to you without disgracing the family. "

"I don't understand," Zach said.

"Neither do I," Ray whined, "but he's been ranting for hours now and mom said the last time he was this mad he caused the blackout of 1998."

"H-h-he what?!" Lauren stammered.

"I don't even think he was this mad back then. Mom said someone backed into the car and he lost it. Guys this is so much worse. Dishonoring the family is major." Ray cringed when another streetlight exploded.

"Wow they must have done some real work on the grid since 9-11. I think he is defiantly madder now." Quinn joked, but no one was laughing.

"Well were going to go," Lauren said, as she grabbed the guys and tried to slink away.

"Oh my God! You CAN"T! Please don't do that." Ray voice went up a whole octave in his hysteria and he was clutching at them like they were his last lifeline.

"You've got to talk to him now," he pleaded, "there's no way out of it."

"Ray I think you're over . . . "she was about to say reacting when the power went out all up and down the street. Judging by the number of horns honking and people that came out of their homes it looked like it might be a major brownout.

Lauren laughed nervously when Quinn said:

"Naah! I'm not going near your father, dude. That guy is seriously dangerous?"

Funny how Quinn's voice had started out at a normal level, but as he'd continued to speak it had gotten markedly higher with each word; until it ended on the shrillest of notes.

Quinn in his terror was a danger to glassware everywhere.

Zach turned out to be the voice of reason surprisingly, saying, "If it can't be helped, then we might as well have our lunch and wait for your father to calm down.

The Haven High Book Series (Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now