Twenty Six ~

124 6 3

Woop more time jumps 😬
Three months into the future, baby time! ♥️

Dans pov

"Babe." Aria said hitting my arm slightly. I rolled over and shoved my face in my pillow.
"Dan!" She practically yelled. I opened my eyes and turned around. She was sitting up in bed and holding her stomach, breathing heavily.
"A-Aria?" I asked. "What's going on?" I was still half asleep but I was in full on panic mode already.
"It's time." She said before wincing in pain.
"It's time?" I asked. "Oh- it's time!" I realized what was going on and quickly got up. I grabbed the suitcase Aria and I had packed for the hospital and then quickly rushed back to the bed to help her up. I put my arm around her waist and we walked down the stairs and into the hall way.
"Fuck!" She said loudly stopping for a second.
"Are you okay?" I asked not really knowing what to do.
"No I'm not okay!" She yelled. "Come one lets just go!" I nodded and we kept walking down the hall. We climbed into the car Aria had rented and I made sure she was situated before driving quickly down the road.
"S- slow down we're gunna get pulled over." She said her eyes closed tightly.
"Right." I said quietly. I slowed my driving and tried to calm my breathing. I was freaking out and felt like I was going to throw up. I looked down at the time to see that it was 3:00 in the morning.

When we finally got to the hospital we rushed inside and doctors came rushing up to me.
"S-she's having a baby." I managed to stutter out through all of my panic. Aria nodded her head frantically.
"O-okay, right this way." The nurse said taking her from my arms and leading her down the hall, me following close behind. During the two hours we were there before the baby was born, I managed to call Phil and tell him what was going on. He showed up rather quick and was told to wait outside.
"We have to start pushing now." The doctor finally said. My heart dropped slightly.
"We?!" Aria asked angrily, wincing in pain again.
"You." The nurse corrected herself. "You need to start pushing now.

Aria's pov

After three hours of excruciating labor, Lydia Winston was born at 6:03 am, February 4th 2016.
She was the most precious thing in the entire world. When I held her in my arms for the first time it felt like I was in heaven. Every single thing about her was perfect, and Dan thought so too.
"She has your eyes." Dan said as he smiled uncontrollably down at our baby. I looked at her eyes to see that they were a deep green color, just like mine. Her hair was dark and curly like Dan's.
"She's beautiful." I whispered.
"She is." Dan agreed holding Lydia's hand in his.

     We stayed in the hospital for another week before I was discharged. Dan and I decided to stay at my place since it made more sense. Also, Phil had just gotten a new girlfriend so things at the house weren't exactly... baby friendly.
"Babe, where'd you put Lydia's pacifier?" Dan asked his voice muffled by the tooth brush in his mouth.
"Next to the bed!" I yelled back as I cleaned up what looked like vomit off of my shirt. Dan walked into the bedroom and grabbed it.
"Thanks." He said smiling before rushing back out. After a few minutes of struggling I decided just to change my shirt. I grabbed a t-shirt out of the closet and put it on before walking down the hall to the bathroom where Dan and Lydia were.
"How's my baby?" I asked in a childish voice as I took Lydia from Dan's arms.
"I'm alright." Dan joked. I laughed sarcastically at him and kissed Lydia on the head.
"Aren't you and Phil filming a gaming video today?" I asked as I rocked my arms up and down so the baby would stay asleep.
"Yeah, but I can stay here if you need me too, you just got home from the hospital." He replied walking closer to me.
"I'll be fine." I smiled. "YouTube is your job."
He laughed slightly and kissed me before leaning down and kissing Lydia on the head.
"I'll be back in a little while, call me if you need me." He said before leaving. I walked out of the bathroom and sat down on the edge of my bed looking down at my beautiful baby. Her eyes were closed and she had a faint smile on her face that lead me to believe she was having a good dream. Which made me think, so am I. I was staring down at the face of my dream. Of everything I could have ever hoped for. Lydia was the best thing I had ever done, and I was so excited to watch her grow up into the beautiful woman I knew she'd one day be...
"I think we're gunna be okay." I said quietly pushing the curly hair out of her face. And for the first time in a while, I actually believed it.

                                 The end...

Woah, so that just happened. I honestly don't know how I feel about this ending... if you have any opinions feel free to comment. I'm always open to editing and changing things if you guys want me to.

As I said before I will be writing a sequel to this story which should actually be up pretty soon. I'm gunna work a lot harder on having an update schedule and editing the chapters a lot more than I have in this story as well as making them longer.

I'll be sure to notify you when it's out.
Again, thank you so much for reading! I love you, bye!

Please Be Okay  // Dan HowellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora