Twenty two ~

105 8 2

        Aria's pov

             I got a few calls from family members saying happy birthday and asking me how I was doing. All pointless five minute conversations I didn't feel like having, but had anyway. My mom was pretty emotional since this was the first birthday I was spending without her. But, I told her everything was fine and I was gunna hang out with Dan. I didn't tell her about him being sick or about the surgery, I didn't want to worry her. I also didn't want to deal with her forty minute sympathy speech she gave every time something bad happened. By the time I had finished talking to everyone who had called it was already seven o'clock.
"We should get going." Phil said. "They said they needed you there early for post op." Me and Dan both agreed and we left.
    The hospital was never a place I liked to be in. Every person I had known who'd gone into a hospital, hadn't come out. I was nervous and felt like I was going to throw up, but that could've been the pregnancy.
"While you're here why don't you go down to Prenatal and get a blood test." The doctor suggested. Dan had told him about the pregnancy.
"That's a good idea." Dan smiled. I nodded my head still feeling nervous and tried to avoid throwing up all over him.
"You okay?" He asked.
"Mhm" I smiled. He looked at me weird as I smiled the best I could.
"You're gunna vomit aren't you?" He asked.
"Mhm." I nodded again this time less enthusiastically and I ran to the bathroom.

     When I walked back in Dan held out his arms for me to hug him. I felt bad getting sick when he was the one lying in a hospital bed about to get his brain cut open, but it's not like it was my fault.
"You okay?" He asked.
"I'm fine." I smiled. I pulled away and took my seat next to his bed.
"They're gunna take you back in ten minutes." The doctor said before leaving the room.
"Ten minutes." Dan repeated.
"You're gunna do great." I assured him putting my hand on his. He looked at me and smiled.
"I love you." He said. Tears started to form in his eyes.
"I love you too." I told him. "But don't do that. Don't say your goodbyes."
"I might die Ari." He said. "Or I could forget you..." A tear fell from his cheek to his arm. "You just need to know that if that happens, I love you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I loved you the moment I saw you." I smiled at him and felt a tear fall from my eye as I gripped his hand tighter.
"I loved you before I knew you." I said quietly.

      The next few minutes were spent talking and laughing. We talked about stupid things, memories, funny moments. Phil and I didn't know if this would be the last time we would ever speak to Dan, so we wanted to make it as happy as possible.

"It's time." The doctor said appearing in the doorway and silencing our laughed. I squeezed Dan's hand and gave him a reassuring smile.
"I'll see you when you get out okay?" I asked. He nodded and smiled back at me. They started to wheel his bed out of the room.
"Wait." Dan said.
"What is it?" The doctor asked.
"Kiss me." He said looking up at me. I smiled and leaned in gripping his face and giving him the most passionate kiss I ever had. I looked at him for a second before he nodded at the doctor and they took him away. 

     Phil and I waited anxiously for hours, not even looking at each other until finally he said something.
"We should tell the fans what's going on." He suggested.
"I think it's best if we wait for Dan to get out of surgery." I pointed out, not wanting to give anyone false hope. Phil nodded and we went back to silence. After another two hours, a nurse came out and called our names. I stood up quickly and walked over to her, Phil following behind.
"Hi." She smiled. "We just wanted to update you on how things are going." I nodded and she continued. "Dr. Manson had successfully removed the tumor and is working on closing him up now. After he comes out of surgery, we won't know if his memory or consciousness is effected until he wakes up."
"Okay..." I said.
"Thank you." Phil added. He put his arm around me and we sat back down. The entire situation was extremely stressful and I had a constant feeling of anxiety in my chest. I was lying on Phil's shoulder and his arm was around me. I eventually started to get tired and luckily fell asleep.

    "Aria?" Phil asked quietly. "Aria, Dans out of surgery." I opened my eyes quickly and sat up rubbing them.
"Hi." The doctor smiled. "The surgery seamed to go well, there were no complications and I am confident that Daniel will be alright. He hasn't woken up yet and we won't really know anything until he does. If you would like to see him you can."
"I would." I said looking over at Phil. He nodded.
"Me too." He said. We stood up and the doctor led us to Dans room. His eyes were closed and he was connected to a few machines. His head was resting on a pillow and he had bandages wrapped around it. I walked over and sat down on one side, Phil sitting down on the other.
"I think he's gunna be okay." Phil said quietly looking over at me.
"I hope so..." I whispered. I sat there, Dan's hand in between mine for what must've been hours before I felt his hand shift under mine. I looked up to see his eyes open.
"Dan?" I asked.

Please Be Okay  // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now