Four ~

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   Dan's pov

      "So Daniel have you been having any headaches like before in the last few weeks?" The doctor asked as he held his clipboard with one hand and a pen with the other.
"I had one a couple of days ago." I replied awkwardly. "But other than that no." He jotted down a few notes before looking up at me.
"Well it doesn't seam like anything has really changed since I saw you last." He said clicking his pen a few times. "Which is good. It means things haven't gotten any worse. But they will."
"You've said this so many times." I sighed. "If nothing's changed then can I please go home?"
"Dan if you would just let me operate-" He started again.
"I said no!" I yelled. "You said when you first diagnosed me that Its my choice and if I'm not okay with the risks You won't pressure me. So why do you keep asking me over and over again?"
"Because I like you Dan." He told me. "You are a kind hearted person and judging by all the millions of fans you have I'm not the only one that thinks that. If you don't have the surgery, you are going to die. And I'm not okay with watching that happen." I paused and there was a moment of silence.
"Well I am." I quickly said before walking out of the room. I stood in the hallway for a moment and closed my eyes taking a deep breath I felt tears in my eyes but quickly wiped them away when I saw Phil coming towards me.

  Aria's pov

      I sat on my couch for a long time just scrolling through and watching Dan and Phil's old videos. It felt different watching them now that I was actually friends with them.
  It had been a month since I moved and I was desperately trying to hide the fact that I liked Dan so every time I saw him it was always a little awkward on my end. But the fact that he's one of the most awkward human beings on the planet helped a bit. As I continued to watch through every pinof video they ever made, I jumped at a knock on my door.
"Its me." I heard Phil's voice say.
"Come in!" I called. He opened the door and I looked up from my computer for a second to look at him.
"What's up?" I asked smiling. Usually Phil would smile back but this time he didn't. "Everything okay?"
"Not really." He replied. He walked over and sat down next to me. I put my laptop aside and adjusted my body so I was facing him.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"It's Dan..." he said. My stomach dropped and I instantly thought about when I overheard their conversation.
"I-is he alright?" I asked feeling myself start to lose the ability to speak real words. Phil put his hand on my shoulder and half smiled sweetly.
"Calm down Ari, he's alright." He replied. I let go of the breath I was holding at close my eyes for a second to regather my thoughts. "But there's something I think I need to tell you." I nodded my head. Phil removed his hand from my shoulder and placed it on my knee. "About four months ago, Dan started to get these really bad headaches." I swallowed hard and kept listening. "After a couple of weeks, they wouldn't go away so I insisted he go to a doctor...." Phil paused for a moment. I was starting to get really worried. "He did. And they did a few scans and..."
"And what?" I asked after a moment of silence.
"They discovered a tumor in his brain." My heart basically stopped beating.
"W-wha-t?" I asked. I noticed my hands start to shake slightly.
"The doctor offered surgery but it was risky. The tumor is right in the part of his brain where all of his consciousness is. His personality. If they were to take it out, there's a chance he could lose who he is. And he doesn't want to take that risk so... so he's refusing surgery." I felt a tear fall down my cheek.
"So what happens now?" I asked Phil. I could tell he was holding back tears as well.
"The doctor said without the surgery he um..." Phil coughed slightly and paused his sentence again. I felt my heart break seeing Phil in so much pain. "He only has about three months. Six at best." At this point Phil completely let go and practically started sobbing instantly. I wrapped my arms around him pulling him into a hug as I closed my eyes and let tears fall down my cheeks onto the back of Phil's shirt. We sat there for a few minutes before Phil managed to calm himself down and sit up wiping his eyes.
"Does he know that you're telling me?" I asked, remembering him saying he didn't want me to know.
"No." Phil replied. "But I need you to talk to him. I need you to try to convince him to get the surgery. Please." I nodded my head and hugged Phil one more time before he apologized and left my apartment. I sat in silence for a moment trying to hold back the tears that were now painfully stinging at my eyes. When I finally couldn't anymore I started sobbing loudly. I put a pillow to my face to muffle the noise as I let myself break down.

Please Be Okay  // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now