Ten ~

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   Dan's pov

       I heard the front door slam loudly and quickly shot up, causing my head to start pounding.
"Phil!" I called. He ran to the room.
"Are you okay?" He asked frantically.
"Fine." I said. "I just... can you get me some Tylenol?"
"Of course." He said. He started to walk away but I stopped him.
"Hey, what was that slam?" I asked.
"Oh umm... Aria got upset and left." He told me. At least he was honest.
"What happened?" I asked starting to worry.
"She's just... worried about you." He said with a reassuring smile. "We both are."
"Well can you please go talk to her?" I asked. "Tell her I'm alright?"
"Of course..." Phil replied with slight hesitation. He walked away, forget about my request for medication and walked over to Aria's apartment.

    When he came back he had a sort of worried look on his face.
"Did you talk to her?" I asked adjusting myself on the bed.
"No, she didn't answer the door." He replied.
"What?" I asked. I was starting to get worried.
"Just go in."
"Dan that's rude." Phil said. "I'm not going to trust pass in Aria's apartment."
"Please Phil." I begged. "I need to know if she's alright. If you don't go, I'll go myself."
"Alright, alright I'll go just... lie down." He told me before walking away again.

Aria's pov

I washed the blood off of my arm and the floor before washing the dried tears from my face and going to my room to change into a long sleeve shirt. I wasn't paying enough attention to my surroundings to hear Phil enter the apartment and come upstairs. I heard my bedroom door being pushed and quickly turned around having a small heart attack. I had already take off my shirt and was standing there in my bra when I noticed it was phil. I instantly put my arm behind my back and he covered his eyes.
"Jesus Phil!" I yelled. "What are you doing in here?"
"I-im sorry. Dan wanted me to check on you and-"
I cut him off.
"It's fine, just... go please." I said sighing and pulling a sweatshirt over my head. He nodded and walked out. I closed my eyes and calmed my breathing before plopping down onto my bed and going to sleep, my body exhausted and in need of rest.
I woke up a few hours later to my phone ringing. It was Dan.
"Hey." I said yawning when I answered the phone.
"Hey, sorry did I wake you?" He asked. I was relieved to hear his voice for some reason.
"No, I'm just tired." I lied not wanting him to feel bad.
"Oh, okay." He said softly. "I just wanted to call and see if you were okay, Phil said you weren't feeling well and-"
"I'm supposed to be the one worrying about you." I said quietly, laughing slightly to myself.
"I'm fine, and it's actually pretty nice being the one doing all the worrying." He laughed. "So you're alright then?"
"Yeah, yeah I think I'm just gunna get some sleep." I replied rubbing my eyes.
"Okay, sweet dreams beautiful." He said sweetly. I smiled and hung up the phone before curling into a ball and going back to sleep.

Dan's pov

Even though Aria said she was fine, I couldn't help but worry. I didn't know what it was but something just felt... off about the way she was on the phone. I tried not to think about it too much, my head already hurt enough. I eventually convinced myself that she was okay and tried to get myself to fall asleep.

   Aria was in my bed when I woke up the next morning. She was lying next to me staring at me.
"Hey." She said smiling.
"Hey." I smiled back, placing a kiss on her nose.
"How ya feelin?" She asked pushing my hair back and running her fingers through it.
"Better, a lot less like I'm going to die and more like I'm just really tired." I replied.
"You can go back to sleep if you want." She told me. "I'm just here because I heard a noise in my apartment, I didn't mean to wake you."
"You get scared by yourself?" I asked laughing slightly.
"I'm not good at being alone." She said. God she was so adorable.
"Well don't worry." I said wrapping my arms around her and pulling her closer. "I'll protect you." She nuzzled her head into my chest and we both fell back to sleep.

    We didn't wake up again until around noon when I heard Aria screaming. I shot up quickly and looked at her, my heart beating fast.
"What's wrong?" I asked frantically.
"T-there's a spider!" She yelled. I sighed in relief knowing she was okay but quickly remembered I was scared of spiders as well.
"Well... kill it." I whined seeing the creature crawl up the wall.
"You kill it!" She yelled jerking her head towards me.
"I'm not going near that thing." I told her. She sighed and picked up her shoe from next to my bed, throwing it at the wall and killing the spider.
"Nice aim." I laughed.
"I hate you." She teased turning back around and jumping on top of me. She sat on my lap, her legs on either side of my waist and ruffled her hands through my hair before leaning down and biting my neck. My breath hitched and I gripped her hair.
"Hey guys is everythi-" Phil started while he walked into the room. "Ah s-sorry."
"You can come in." Ari said throwing her leg back over and sitting crossed legged next to me. Phil opened the door slowly and stepped in.
"There was a lot of screaming." Phil said. "Are you guys alright?"
"Yeah, we're fine." Ari said. "There was a spider but I killed it."
"My hero." I joked pulling her down so she was laying next to me.
"Okay, as long as you're not dead, I'm just gunna go." Phil said awkwardly before walking out of the room.

Please Be Okay  // Dan Howellحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن