Six ~

165 11 0

Dan's pov

"Guys?" I heard Phil ask. I wasn't completely awake so I didn't say anything. "Guys!" He said louder, this time shaking my arm.
"Hey Phil." Aria said groggily as she sat up off of my chest and wiped her eyes. It took me a minute to realize what was going on and then I remembered last night and I smiled her.
"Hey...?" Phil said questionably. "What happened last night?"
"Oh umm," Aria started as she broke her gaze with me. "We must've fallen asleep watching T.V."
I yawned and nodded my head in agreement.
"Okay..." Phil said still confused about the situation. Phil gave Aria a strange look and she shook her head. I shrugged it off and didn't think about it too much because I didn't want to ruin the good mood I was in.
"We're taking Aria on a tour today." I demanded turning my head from Ari to Phil.
"Finally." He sighed with a smile. "Ive been wanting to go for weeks now but you're always too lazy."
I laughed sarcastically at him and kissed Aria's cheek before getting up and walking to the bathroom to take a shower.

Aria's pov

"I should go across the hall and get ready." I told Phil, wanting to avoid the conversation that was about to be had between us. I stood up and Phil grabbed my arm as I started to walk out. I sighed and pulled my arm from his light grip before facing him again.
"Did you talk to him?" He asked.
"Yes." I told him. "He said the same thing he said to you. And you know what I can see his point. If it was you wouldn't you do the same?" Phil was silent which I took to mean 'Yes'.
"I'm sorry Phil, but he's an adult and it's his decision." I said with a quarter of a smile on my face. "Who knows though. Dan always has been one in a million." I shrugged my shoulders and started to walk out of the apartment again.
"Thank you." Phil said. I stopped walking and smiled to myself. "See you soon." I nodded my head and continued out the door and across the hall to my apartment. I closed the door behind me and slid my back down it so I was sitting on the floor. I put my knees to my chest and sobbed into them for a few minutes before calming myself down. Thinking about losing Dan felt like a physical pain in my chest that I couldn't get rid of.
I stood up and wiped my eyes before going to the bathroom so I could take a shower and get ready.
  I stood in the shower for a lot longer than I should have just thinking and letting the water flow down my body. I thought about the night before and what happened with Dan. The kiss. I couldn't help but smile every time I thought about that. But I also wondered what we were. His illness aside, I just tried to think what would happen if we were together. Would he tell the fans? Would he want to keep it private? Than I thought more about the fans. Was he gunna tell them about... I froze and tried to shut my mind up, closing my eyes and breathing slowly before I quickly turned the water off and climbed out of the shower. I dried myself off and dried my hair, curling part of it before deciding to put it up. I did a small amount of makeup and went to get dressed. I put on some black leggings with white designs of them and a thin black hoodie that was a size too big. I made sure I didn't need anything else before grabbing my bag and putting my phone in it. I walked back across the hall to Dan and Phil's place and walked in, remembering Dan saying I didn't have to knock.
"Hey." Dan said smiling. "You look nice."
I laughed and rolled my eyes.
"I look like shit." I told him. He walked close to me and put his hands on my hips.
"You're beautiful." He told me. I felt myself start blushing as he leant down and pressed his lips against mine. I closed my eyes and kissed him back softly. When he finally pulled away he pushed the small amount of hair away from my eyes and smiled at me, resting his hand on my cheek.
"Woah." I heard Phil say from the other side of the room. I quickly turned to him and Dan did the same. He looked back at me and kissed my cheek softly before walking passed Phil and down the hall to his room.
"Hi." I said to Phil, still blushing. I was embarrassed because I could feel how red my cheeks were. Phil looked behind him and then back at me.
"What was that?" He asked.
"Come on Phil you're not that stupid." I joked. He laughed slightly.
"So are you guys..." He started.
"No." I replied quickly. "I mean... I don't know. Let's just not talk about it right now."
"Wait..." He said walking a little closer. "So this morning... you guys didn't..."
"Ew what?" I asked. "Phil what the hell." I laughed at him and he laughed too.
"I'm just making sure." He said through his laughter. "I sat on that couch this morning."
"Ew just shut up." I told him still smiling.

Please Be Okay  // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now