Two ~

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     Over the next few weeks I actually hung out with Dan and Phil a lot. Mostly Dan. We were starting to become pretty good friends. At least I hoped we were.
"Damn it!" Phil yelled when I finally won our twenty minute Pokémon battle.
"Haha!" I laughed sticking my tongue out at him. He messed up my hair and pushed me playfully.
"You two sound like children." Dan laughed from the other side of the couch.
"We do not." I protested crossing my arms. He smiled at me and looked back at his computer. I laughed and he glanced back at me checking to see Phil wasn't looking before crossing his arms as well and sticking his tongue out at me. I started laughing and Phil turned back to Dan to which he responded by coughing and uncrossing his arms, pretending like nothing happened. I looked at Phil and smiled casually.
"You guys are weird." He laughed before standing up and walking to the kitchen.
    It was silent for a moment before I spoke again.
"I should probably go," I said. "It's already 10:30."
"We are not letting you sleep in that freezing apartment." Dan told me, closing his laptop. I hadn't paid my bills so it was pretty cold.
"Yeah," Phil added. "You can stay here for the night.
"Really?" I asked. "You wouldn't mind?"
"Of course not." Dan smiled. "You're our friend aren't you?" I smiled and nodded at him.
"Ooh Dan did you ask her yet?" Phil asked coming back in with a bowl of something in his hand. He sat back down next to me. Popcorn. Of course.
"Ask me what?" I asked sounding a little concerned.
"Don't sound so worried." Dan laughed. "Phil and I were just wondering if you would like to be in our next video."
   My stomach practically dropped. I had known them for a few weeks now, but everything they said still seamed to amuse me.
"What?!" I asked a little too loud. Phil laughed behind me. "I mean... Yeah sure."
   Dan and Phil both laughed at me.
"Great." Dan said through his laughter. "Maybe you can help us come up with an idea then?"
I laughed knowing how bad they both were at coming up with video ideas.

After a few minutes of discussion we finally agreed on truth or dare. Yes, It was lame and old but it was fun.

We spent the next few hours in the lounge doing nothing but watching anime and talking about random things that didn't matter.
"What's your favorite color?" Dan asked after a few moments of silence.
"Umm...." I didn't really know. I hadn't thought about my favorite color since I was ten. "Blue? I guess."
"Me too!" Phil almost yelled. I laughed.
"I know." I told him.
"Right... its weird because you already know like a lot about us and we know almost nothing about you." Phil laughed.
"Yeah, but I'm sure I don't know everything about you." I assured him. "I just know everything that you decide to share with the internet."
"That's a good point." Dan added.
"Okay, so I have to ask this..." I said. I needed to know the answer to this question and at that point I didn't even care what the answer was.
"Is or has phan ever been real." I quickly closed my mouth after speaking that.
"I saw that coming." Phil said smiling.
"I know I sound like a complete fan girl now, I honestly don't really think it is but I have to know." I told them. My heart was beating faster than it should've been.
"No..." Dan replied. "No it's not."
I noticed myself sigh in relief and hoped they didn't notice as well. They did.
"You seam happier about that than expected." Dan laughed. My cheeks turned slightly red. "Almost relieved."
"Yeah, relieved to finally know the truth." I lied trying to seam casual. They both smiled at me and we continued to watch the end of episode of anime we were watching. Once it was over Phil yawned loudly and said he was going to bed.
"See you in the morning!" Dan yelled as he walked out of the room. I looked over at Dan and smiled at him. He smiled back and stared for a little too long into my eyes before breaking the eye contact and shutting off the T.V.
"We should probably go to bed too." Dan suggested. "It is pretty late."
"Yeah." I agreed while yawning.
"C'mon I'll show you where the guest room is." He said smiling. He grabbed my hand helping me off the couch and let go after I was balanced.
"I'll see you tomorrow." Dan said before leaving the room. He smiled at me and closed the door.

'Is this actually happening?' I thought. 'I am actually about to go to sleep in Dan and Phil's house. Okay, Aria. No more fangirling. From now on they're just you're friends. Your friends who happen to be famous YouTube stars that you've been obsessing over since you were sixteen. No, stop. Just friends.'

The next day I woke up and walked into the hallway to see Dan about to come to my door.
"Oh, good you're awake." He smiled. "I was just gunna come wake you up. You still want to be in the video right?"
"Yeah of course." I yawned. "Is it alright if I go back to my place and shower first?"
"Of course, we don't have to film at any specific time. We're not that organized. Just want to do it as soon as possible so we can upload it sooner."
"Okay." I smiled still feeling extremely tired and knowing I look like crap. "Who's channel are we even filming for?"
"Phil's." He replied. "I already uploaded a video this morning. I looked down at my phone and saw the notification and smiled.
"Cool." I said looking back up at him and smiling. "I'll be back in like 20 minutes." He smiled at me and I left the apartment. I went back to my place feeling instantly freezing as soon as I walked through the door. I pulled my arms to my chest and walked to the bathroom.

After I had gotten out of the shower I quickly fixed my hair as much as possible and got dressed into another pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt with a strange pattern on it. I checked my hair one last time before grabbing my phone and walking back across the hall. I knocked on the door and Dan yelled.
"It's open!" So I walked in.
"You don't have to knock you know." He told me before he turned around. When he finally faced me he looked at me and smiled. Again, he looked a little to long and noticed himself doing so, so he walked away. I tried to stop myself from blushing but there wasn't really anything I could do about it.
"C'mon guys we should get filming." Phil said looking at me and Dan. "Is everything alright in here?"
"Yep." Dan smiled. "Everything's fine."
I nodded my head in agreement and phil gave us one last weird look before shrugging and walking to his room, me and Dan following behind him.

Please Be Okay  // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now