Eight ~

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Aria's pov

"Woah." Dan sighed catching his breath. I laughed and closed my eyes as I tried to catch mine.
"Yeah." I said. He turned to face me and smiled. He pushed my hair out of my face and just stared at me. We sat there in silence for a while until we heard a knock at the door.
"Shit." Dan said getting up quickly and putting his clothes on. "Pizza." He laughed and ran out of the room not bothering to put his shirt on. I looked up at the ceiling and couldn't stop smiling. After a moment I sat up and climbed out of the bed. I picked up my bra and underwear off of the floor and put them on before grabbing Dans shirt and throwing it on as well. He came back into the room with a pizza box in his hand and smiled at me as he sat down.
"Hungry?" He asked plopping himself down on the bed.
"A little." I told him still smiling. I grabbed a slice of pizza and ate around half of it before putting it down.
"I'm gunna go to the bathroom." I told Dan.
"Okay." He said covering his mouth as he chewed the food in his mouth. I smiled at him and got up.

Dan's pov

I noticed Aria was taking a while in the bathroom so I got up to go check on her. I walked to the bathroom and went to knock when I heard the sound of her throwing up.
"Ari?" I asked knocking on the door. "Are you alright?"
"I-I'm fine." She said. "Just umm... I'll be out in the minute."
"I heard you throwing up, are you sick?" I asked.
"N-no, I just- I don't know." She replied.
"Okay, well can I come in?" I asked wanting to make sure she was okay.
"No!" She yelled. "One second." I heard her flush the toilet and the water run for a minute and then she opened the door.
"I'm fine." She told me smiling.
"You didn't sound alright..." I said concerned.
"C-mon lets go lie down." She nodded her head and walked with me back to the bedroom.

Aria's pov

"I hope I didn't get you sick." I lied trying to make it as believable as possible.
"Don't worry about that." He told me. "Just, worry about resting right now."
Why was he so sweet? I was lying to him and he was just being the best boyfriend in the world.
"Thank you." I said quietly resting my head on his chest. I pulled the covers higher up over my shoulder and fell asleep.

   When I woke up, I looked up at the clock. It was 11:30 pm.
"Hey." Dan said quietly, running his fingers through my hair. "How ya feeling?"
"Good." I said with a tired voice.
"That's good." He smiled down at me.
"How are you feeling?" I asked, concerned about him as well.
"Better than I have in months." He replied smiling. "Thanks to you. You're amazing Ari."
"I'm not." I said continuing to stare into his deep brown eyes. "I honestly don't know why you like me so much." His expression changed and he put his arm around me pulling me closer.
"I like you, because you're funny, you're smart, you know how to have a conversation, you're silly, yet serious at the same time, you have eyes that I could stare into for hours on end and never get bored, you care more about others than you do yourself, there are so many reasons to like you Aria. And If I tried to list them all it'd take me forever." He said. "But the main reason why I like you, maybe even love you, is that... Aria you make me want to live. You make trying worth it."

Hey, so I know this chapter is really short, but I thought this would be a good place to end it. I'm already working on chapter nine so that'll hopefully make up for it ♥️♥️♥️

Please Be Okay  // Dan HowellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora