Twenty Five ~

105 6 0

Aria's pov

Phil didn't end up going to the ultrasound with us. He had plans with Pj that he had forgotten about so he said he was sorry and left before Dan finished filming.

When we got back to my apartment after the appointment Dan and I both decided to do some quiet editing for a while. It was nice that we could just sit silently for hours and not have to say anything to each other and neither of us would get upset about it.
After a few hours I was finally finished and decided to make some lunch.
"Are you hungry?" I asked Dan as I stood up.
"Yeah actually." He said closing his laptop slightly to look up at me. "We should go out."
"Out?" I asked.
"Yeah why not?" He asked. "It would be nice to actually have a real date."
"We've never done that have we?" I asked surprised by the realization.
"Nope." He laughed.
"Well you have to ask me." I told him.
"What?" He laughed.
"We should go out?" I mocked. "That's a pretty bad way to ask someone on a date."
He smiled at me and put his laptop to the side before standing up. He walked over to me and grabbed my hand in his.
"Aria Elisabeth Winston." He said quietly. I laughed slightly. "Would you do me the great honor, of going to Nando's with me?"
I laughed again, louder this time.
"I would love to." I smiled. He leaned down and kissed my cheek, then my lips.
"I have to upload this video really quick and then we can go, okay?" He asked. I nodded my head and stood on my tippy toes so I could kiss his nose, then I walked to my bedroom to fix my hair and makeup. I decided to change into something a little less... pregnant before going back downstairs to see Dan standing near the door.
"Hi." He smiled.
"Hi." I smiled back.
"Shall we?" He asked opening the door and holding his hand out for me.
"We shall." I said holding back laughter as I grabbed his hand and he pulled me out the door.
We took an uber to Nando's and Dan helped me out of the car. We thanked the driver and went inside. We sat down at a free table in the back and waited.
We sat and talked for a long time. Honestly we didn't care about the food, we just loved to hang out and be around each other.
"I watched your new video." Dan said just as we were finishing our food. I laughed slightly.
"I just wanted to make an update on everything." I told him. "The fans won't shut up about how excited they are about the baby... they're worse than my mother." Dan laughed and wiped his face with a napkin.
"Tell me about it." He said playfully rolling his eyes.
I was so freaking happy to be able to go out wth Dan and just talk. It was quiet as there was barely anyone there and we just laughed and talked the entire time. I listened to Dan tell me all his stories, even though I had already heard them before, and he listened to all of mine even though none of them were interesting. It was in those few hours that I finally let myself believe that everything was going to alright.

Dan's pov

When we got back to Aria's apartment we just sat in the living room for a while, cuddling on the couch and watching re-runs of American Horror Story. Instead of actually paying attention to the show I just couldn't stop thinking about... everything. I thought back to the day Phil and I met Aria.
    How Phil and I were curious to know who was moving in next door, so we stood outside the apartment for ten minutes trying to peek through the crack between the door and the wall. How Aria showed up and made us look like total creeps, how at that moment the only thoughts running through my head were 'Shit how am I gunna get myself out of this one' and 'God that is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen'
      I thought back to the moment Aria told me she was pregnant. The first thought I had was something short of complete and utter terror, but that was soon replaced with the feeling of overwhelming happiness and excitement. When I heard the words come out of her mouth it was like the only thing that mattered was her and that baby. My baby.
     I thought back to being in the hospital before surgery. Holding Aria's hand in mine, not knowing whether or not it would be the last time I ever felt her cold fingers intertwined with mine. Laughing at her and Phil's jokes so hard that I couldn't breathe.
     I thought about the day we found out the gender of our baby. Aria being so nervous and excited at the same time. How when she heard the word girl come out of Dr. Bensons mouth her hands shot to her mouth and her eyes lit up with excitement. How that night we stayed up discussing baby names until three in the morning.
      I thought about how lucky I was to have everything I did. To have Aria, to have a baby on the way, to have the most supportive best friend and fan base in the world, but most importantly I thought about how lucky I was to be alive. And I was so grateful.

This isn't the end of the story don't worry! I just thought it was a cute idea. I'm only saying this because I think it kind of seams like the end but it isn't.

Please Be Okay  // Dan HowellWhere stories live. Discover now