I passed Varric and Merrill in the hall where they told me she'd gone off in search of her son. Sure enough, the garden was relatively deserted save for a few Chantry clerics who lingered in small groups, talking in hushed, but excited whispers about the sealed breach.

Seeing no sign of Morrigan, I headed for the room which held the Eluvian. I wasn't sure why, but I felt certain I would find her there. As the door closed behind me, I was stunned to find it empty. Yet the Eluvian was activated, swirling and pulsing with blue power.

I called out for Morrigan but heard nothing in response. Though I had no desire to step through the Eluvian I didn't see I had much choice. She had to have activated it, therefore if I wanted to talk to her I would have to follow.


On their walk to the tavern, Varric and Merrill were stopped by one of Leliana's agents when she rushed up to them, breathless and holding a crumpled parchment. "Master Tethras?' She asked, her breath coming in short gasps.

"At your service." He replied, giving the woman a short bow.

"A letter for you sir." She said, handing him the parchment. "It's come a long way."

"Uh, thanks." He said, taking it from her and holding it gingerly. "It's not from the Merchant's Guild is it?"

"No sir. I'm told it's come from a ship near Anitva."

"Maker's breath." Varric muttered as the messenger left.

"You don't think it's from Isabella do you Varric?" Merrill asked, curious.

"I don't know anyone else with a ship. Especially not one from Anitva."

"But how does she even know where to find you?"

"I kept in touch Daisy. Or I tried to. After she left Kirkwall, she didn't leave an address where she could be reached. Most of my letters were being held by the harbour master in Antiva city."

"I guess she must have gotten them then." Merrill reasoned. "So open it Varric. I want to know what she sent you."

"You and me both Daisy." He said, opening the letter.


Frowning at the Eluvian which continued to swirl before me, I took a deep breath and stepped through, emerging into a space that looked nothing like the in-between I'd seen before and instead looked a lot like the Fade. Andraste's flaming ass, I muttered taking in my surroundings.

The Fade was a vast and largely unwelcoming place, filled with demons and mortal dreams. It was not a place for the living, yet this time it felt empty, barren even. I could see no sign of Morrigan, so I started walking. She had to be here somewhere. She would not have activated the Eluvian and then left it unguarded.


Startled, I turned to see Morrigan, her cheeks streaked with dried tears, her eyes red-rimmed and fearful.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I could ask you the same."

"It's my son... he activated the Eluvian. It shouldn't be possible, but he came here. To the Fade. I must find him."

"Alright, let's start looking."

"How could he do this? Why would he come here?" She muttered, clearly upset by what had happened.

I could tell she was talking to cover her fear so I stayed quiet.

"This is all my fault." She continued. "I set him on this path many years ago. This is my doing."

"I'm sure he's fine Morrigan." I said. "Let's just focus on finding him. We can worry about how he did this later."

"No!" She cried, spotting two figures ahead of us and running towards them. "Get away from my son." She growled.

"Morrigan." Said a very attractive, white-haired woman with a thick accent. "And you must be the Inquisitor. My, my. I never expected such a grand reception." She smiled as she got to her feet beside Kieran, regarding us both with speculation and amusement. "You're taller than I expected."

"What are you doing here mother?" Morrigan demanded. "Leave my son alone."

"I came to collect what has taken me years to find. You hid yourself well daughter. Now it is time for me to claim what is rightfully mine."

"If Morrigan was hidden from you, how did you manage to find her now?" I asked, feeling left out of their exchange.

"She herself made it possible."

"The Well of Sorrows." Morrigan breathed. "But that means you're..."

"Flemeth? Asha'bellanar? An old woman who talks too much?" Flemeth laughed.

"You cannot have my son." Morrigan repeated, scowling at her.

"But this was your intention all along was it not? To save an old god soul only to hide it away for future use?"

"That may have been my intention at the time, but now..." Morrigan's voice cracked. "Now he is my son. I will not let you take him from me."

Flemeth frowned, a curious glint in her eyes.

"If you must do this take me." Morrigan demanded. "I will not let you harm my son."

"I see." Flemeth mused, turning her attention back to Kieran. Taking his hands in hers, she held them and closed her eyes. As she did, a glowing blue orb passed from Kieran and into Flemeth's chest before disappearing from sight.

"No more dreams?" Kieran asked his grandmother.

"No more dreams." Flemeth smiled, releasing his hands and watching as he ran to his mother's waiting arms.

"I... don't understand." Morrigan stammered.

"Sacrifice only happens when willingly given Morrigan. You were never in any danger from me."

"Wait!" Morrigan cried as Flemeth turned to leave.

"What is it girl? While the song plays, we must all of us continue to dance. I have work to do."

"The whispers want me to warn you." Morrigan said making Flemeth frown.

"A warning? About what pray tell?"

"It's a warning for you. Can I trust you long enough to speak with you privately?"

"Unnecessary. The Inquisitor will need to hear whatever it is you wish to say."

Morrigan frowned. "He does? How do you know this?"

"I too have heard the whispers, but clearly I have not heard all there is to hear. Out with it girl."

"The Dread Wolf. He intends to betray you. It is not his wish, but his plans require it if he wants to succeed and success is all that matters to him. The voices suggest a copy."

"A copy?" Flemeth frowned. "Interesting. I will do what must be done. And remember Morrigan, now that you've drunk from the Well, I will call upon you whenever I have need. Goodbye daughter, pray my plans do not fail for if they do, you shall take my place. If that happens, the burden I have carried through countless ages will fall to you."

Dragon Age Inquisition: The Legacy of Dorian PavusWhere stories live. Discover now