[Mark Tuan]

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I was sitting down on my bed scrolling through instagram until I heard my daughter screaming from the bathroom.

"A'kyli??" I got up and went in front of the bathroom door.

"Baby what's wrong?" I was getting scared because I still heard the water running.

"Daddy im bleeding!!" She yelled.

I was confused about why she was screaming so much over this. "Babe just get a bandaid."

"Daddy I don't have a cut, im bleeding downstairs."

My ears and face turned red in embarrassment. Y/N was out of town for a whole month and she knew how to deal with this. Why couldn't GOT7 have a comeback around this time??

"Fuck." I sighed.

"Open the door princess." I said.

A'kyli didn't do anything. She kept her hand on the doorknob. "Daddy it's bloody everywhere, am I dying? I don't want to die."

I laughed quietly at how cute she was acting. "Just open up and I'll tell you why you're bleeding so much."

Her head poked out and her face was red. I kissed her cheek and guided her out. My stomach couldn't take seeing all that blood so I quickly closed the door.

I told her to go sit on the bed as I began searching for pads. Luckily there were about four left from the open pack and I took one.

"A'kyli!" She ran to me and I handed her one of them.

"Why are you touching mommy's stuff?"

"Because this is what you put downstairs."

"Can you take off your pants and teach me?"

My mouth opened and I shook my head. I wasn't going to risk putting on Y/N's underwear. Telling her what to do was enough. "Babe we have different body parts. Just put the sticky part on your underwear."

After waiting she came out of the bathroom awkwardly. She sat next to me and I know she felt uncomfortable.

"Well..." I breathed. "You finally have your period."

"What's a period?"

This was the time where I wished Y/N was here.

"A period is when you're able to have a baby. So that means no boyfriends until you're 80 years old."

"But I want a baby." She was about to cry until I hugged her. "Trust me, you don't want one."

"I'll tell mommy to give you a brother."

"How long do I have to keep this on? It feels like im peeing."

"I don't know, you have to wait until it finish."

"It doesn't finish in one day?" A'kyli groaned and covered her face. The twelve year old emotions were already getting all over the place.

"Don't worry my love, it will be done before you know it."

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