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Hyungwon was eating his food when he purposely spilled his drink on the floor. "Maid come clean this mess up."

You came out feeling tired while getting the rag from the counter. You've been working for this guy only for a month and he's been driving you nuts.

The only reason why you won't leave is because he pays 600 dollars an hour. After cleaning his crap you walked towards your room which was the janitor's closet. It's big enough to keep four king sized beds which was weird to see.

Hyungwon grew up with a conservative dad so he's fucked up in the head. You want to fuck it up more but that'll make things worse.

His nickname for you is black bitch because you're actually the first African-American person he's met in real life.

Your mother never raised a murderer but that's going to change after today. His brothers are the only nice ones as they listened more to their mother.

"Courtney I'm so sorry Hyungwon has been rude to you, do you want me to give you a massage?" Wonho asked.

"Yes that will be nice."

The young Prince brought you towards the spa room instead and layed you out perfectly on the mat.

"Why are you so nice to me?"

"Because every single person on Earth was made by one creator. He wanted the world to be a diverse place, but that doesn't mean we're all different."

"Mhmm that's nice to know god didn't make a mistake while creating you."

"Same goes to you."

Hyungwon was leaning by the door gagging. Why was his brother interacting with that peasant?

"Are you guys finished? Because now I want to dig my grave."

"Maid you have work to do, chop chop!"

He came towards you and yanked the mat that was protecting your stomach.

"Look at what you did you bitch! My mat is dirty!"

"Hyungwon!" Wonho roared.


"You and I both know when dad notices she hangs around with you guys and doesn't do her job, he'll kill her. Not only because she's black but stupid and ugly.

"If I see your kind around here I'll shoot them."

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